Player Damage and Armor need a boost

Chronos the Defiler

Chronos the Defiler

Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

Calgary, Alberta, Canada


i dont know about other people but i DESPISE how you need a team in PvE, teamplay in Pvp is good but for PvE i tihnk you should be able to solo around places that are the same level as you...

Each zone is like its own server so adding these little thingsthat lag most other games wont be a problem here...

Respawning monsters, just lower xp for solo players so it takes a tad longer to level up, but still make it soloable.

Being able to attack multiple enemies, as well as better skill graphics is another suggestion i have been trying to envoke but doesnt seem to be getting any attention...but none the less soloing can be just as much fun as team play...

When you enter a zone the game should read the amount of players in the party and alter the hp/armor/damage of enemies to match the difficulty fo the area your in.

If you have 4 people (with max of 4 people) then the enemies should be alot harderthan normal, whereas if it is only you in the zone then the monsters should be strong enoguh so that you CAN solo them (with relative level matching)

It is sorta like the system that Diablo 2 and Risk Your Life has, and they both have become quite succesful too. Diablo 2 has non-respawning enemies but higher XP count, whereas RYL has lower XP and respawning enemies.

i just HATE how you ALWAYS need a group with you to be efficient in travelling...and dont give me any of that "well i can solo just fine with my warrior" crap, because i mean you should be able to solo with EVERY class and still have some fun, without farming and doing the same repetative crap over and over again.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

use the henchies

Chronos the Defiler

Chronos the Defiler

Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

Calgary, Alberta, Canada


no...i like to solo, henchies have a tendancy to completely screw things up for you, as well you have to share exp and cash with them, it is tedious and annoying, soloing would simplify it a whole lot more...

that is why i think the "each zone is it's own server" idea would be nice, all players can play along side eachother in the zones, if you enter a zone right outside lions arch adn then another person does too, they will both be in the same server with the same map and same monsters, then you can go off and do your own thing and so can everyone else without causing mass lag...since every zone would be a server in itself, or even have 3 different districts that you choose at the startof the game which determines the servers you join.

and with this you can have PvE/PvP mis by having "Teams" set for peopel on both sides of the world, one team starts at ring of fire and levels up then moves onwards around the map untill they get into enemy territory where then the enemy can assault them.

Ring of fire would be Team outpost #1, and monsters would be low level, Ascalon Ruined City would be outpost #2 where monsters are also low level and the monsters get increasingly difficult the closer you get to the centre of the world...once you get past that then you can try to get near teh enemy capital and fight them around their outpost.

Edit: I also got another idea to work on this one...instead of having low lvl enemies outside towns they would start as medium enemies and get to harder enemies as you get towards the middle...but there would be a portal leading to a "staging" or "training" area inside their starting town where players go to fight low level monsters without risk of being slaughtered by enemies that have progressed to outside their town.

There are alot of unexplorable areas in the world at this moment so i say the training area portals lead them to these areas where they can beggin leveling up and learn the game (like pre-searing)