Tagma de Skia

Jeniah Shalkar

Jeniah Shalkar

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2005

Among the stars.

Tagma de Skia

Hi there! TdeS is currently recruiting, and we're looking for dedicated members to increase our numbers. Check out www.tagmadeskia.com/apply.html for more information.

*Or, you can reply to this post with basic contact info(name, age, instant messaging names, etc), whether you like GvG or PvE more, and any other information/qualifications you want us to see. Then we will contact and get you setup with the guild from there.

So, if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2005

Also looking for people to help trade the guilds items...
we specialize in everything and anything you can think of
I my self specialize in Dye's, I buy and sell all colors

You can post here or on our forums http://www.tagmadeskia.com/

Jeniah Shalkar

Jeniah Shalkar

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2005

Among the stars.

Hey guys, we put up our website finally! And with the launch of that, and the Beta this weekend, we are now Openly recruiting until the release of Guild Wars. Check out www.tagmadeskia.com/apply.html for more information.

You can contact me through Kira Soraya in game, or on AIM as Ruins of Time if you need to reach me for any questions / comments. Also, we do use teamspeak, so if you have a client (you can download one from our downloads section on the website if you don't) we can get you set up with our server.

We look foward to playing with you all!