N/W or W/N / W/E


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2005

hey guys....currently i have a lv 10 N/W and i feel that shield is almost useless, so im using a +14 energy thing.So if u compare my energy to warrior's i, definitely will have more energy right.

but if u switch to W/N and use the same thing u'll have say, 34 energy?which i think is pretty much too, but u lose about 10 + armour for not using shield. imo the warriors armor is very high, about 100 higher than necro's, so if the necro use a shield it wouldn't make a diff. so im confused right now, should i keep my N/W or rerolling to a W/N as it is 10 energy vs 100 armour..

anyway, im also interested in playing W/E, any opinions?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Okay, first of all I'll give you some proper numbers so you can make a decision:
Necro Armour

60 AL + 15 vs piercing
+5 energy


70AL + extra damage from holy dmg
+5 energy


Scar Pattern
+8 energy

Total: 37 energy with full scar set.

Warrior Armour

80AL +20 vs physical
+3 energy

Total: 27 energy with full gladiator's set (including the helm)

So, if you're comparing strictly Necro or Warrior primary, you are trading essentially 20AL + that extra physical resistance. So, in practical terms a necro will take slightly less than 2x more damage than a warrior in exchange for 10 more energy.

If you're planning to use necro spells to cause damage, then necro primary is the way to go. If you're planning to use necro debuffs to assist your melee fighting, then w/N is the way to go.

The W/E is a pretty standard build out there with the prime builds being the hammer +aftershock combo and the conjure element warrior. Hammer W/Es use the hammer to knockdownt he enemy and aftershock to do lots of damage to knockedown enemies. Conjure element W/Es typically use flurry and hundred blades to make the most out of the conjure element bonus damage. Water W/Es typically use water snares like frost burst to keep the enemy within melee range and to keep using point-blank AoE spells.

The beauty of GW is in how many different play styles there are for each combination, you jsut have to pick one you like.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2005

bonelace armour is 60 armour? never knew that, btw my current armour is made in ascalon city, any other place to make better armour?



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2005

Warrior Nation


The highest level armor is made at Draknor's Forge and its environs

If you are planning on meleeing, I wouldn't take N/W. People always swear that they are fine as a N/W but I've never grouped with one that doesn't die constantly (plus Soul Reaping isn't a very PvP friendly attribute).

The Red Knight

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005

Zero Files Remaining [LaG]


Ive seen a n/w destroy :b