Ok, now maybe because I've been away for awhile or maybe I got lost trying to find answers in the vast thread jungle of the forums. Either way with some of the new "ADDS" from last Beta to today and into the next Beta before Release I have some questions.
Will we be able to modify our current Guild emblem and cape if one of the newer ones is more appealing to us?
Will we be able to take advantage of the new Hair and Color styles for existing Characters or do we have to roll up new?
Since it would seem that the preview in the cape maker is different when compared to what the final colors look like in game is there or will there be a way to edit or modify our choices?
Ok well I think that will about cover it?
Colors, Guilds, Hair and other questions
For the first two, when the game is release you will be required to remake your characters, and the Guilds. So that means you can repick your hair/face/etc, and your Guild Cape.
I'm not real sure if you are able to modify your cape after you select it, you will need to wait for someone with a little more knowledge.
I'm not real sure if you are able to modify your cape after you select it, you will need to wait for someone with a little more knowledge.
Hmmm, I was under the impression that those of us that have been around from the first Beta were going to be somewhat exempt from haveing our characters and Guilds wiped.
Maybe that has changed...
Maybe that has changed...
Your character won't be "Wiped," it will still be there, but it will be one of those blank characters with only a name, causing you to have to remake your character.
Odd Sock
Shouldn't this thread be in the Questions and Answers forum ?
Remaking your characters after GW is released.. <-- That's false.
For retail, your characters are not deleted, but simply reset to level 1 and have beginner armor, weapon, skills, etc. Each of your characters will still look the same and under the same names. If you decide that you want a different appearance under an existing name, delete that character and make a new one. I believe that no one (except you, of course) can use that same name until one hour after you delete that character. So it's reserved for you...
Ha.. I found it..
From guildwars.com
"Will my characters still exist when Guild Wars is released, or will they be wiped?
If you have played in a Beta Weekend Event, your characters will not be removed from the servers. This is because we tie your character names to your existing characters, or to placeholder characters. All characters will by necessity be reset to starting levels and will possess starting skills and items when we release Guild Wars. For any character that is replaced with a starting-level placeholder character, simply delete the placeholder character and create a new character of your choice, within 60 minutes, and you will continue to have the reserved name bound to your account."
And about the guild capes...
For retail, characters are reset and names are reserved, but I believe that guilds will be disbanded, if you want the same people in your guild, organize something during the next BWE, or put everybody in your friends list...
I hope I'm correct..
I hate giving false info
Well, I did just wake up...
For retail, your characters are not deleted, but simply reset to level 1 and have beginner armor, weapon, skills, etc. Each of your characters will still look the same and under the same names. If you decide that you want a different appearance under an existing name, delete that character and make a new one. I believe that no one (except you, of course) can use that same name until one hour after you delete that character. So it's reserved for you...
Ha.. I found it..
From guildwars.com
"Will my characters still exist when Guild Wars is released, or will they be wiped?
If you have played in a Beta Weekend Event, your characters will not be removed from the servers. This is because we tie your character names to your existing characters, or to placeholder characters. All characters will by necessity be reset to starting levels and will possess starting skills and items when we release Guild Wars. For any character that is replaced with a starting-level placeholder character, simply delete the placeholder character and create a new character of your choice, within 60 minutes, and you will continue to have the reserved name bound to your account."
And about the guild capes...
For retail, characters are reset and names are reserved, but I believe that guilds will be disbanded, if you want the same people in your guild, organize something during the next BWE, or put everybody in your friends list...
I hope I'm correct..
I hate giving false info
Well, I did just wake up...
Originally Posted by Shadowfox1125
Remaking your characters after GW is released.. <-- That's false.
If you have played in a Beta Weekend Event, your characters will not be removed from the servers. This is because we tie your character names to your existing characters, or to placeholder characters. All characters will by necessity be reset to starting levels and will possess starting skills and items when we release Guild Wars. For any character that is replaced with a starting-level placeholder character, simply delete the placeholder character and create a new character of your choice, within 60 minutes, and you will continue to have the reserved name bound to your account." |
As anyone who played the Jan BWE know, placeholders need to be deleted and then remade. So, according to the "or" clause.. either one of you can be right, depending on how ANet decides to do it.