Royal Guardsmen

Dark Phear

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2005

Hello! I'm Dark, one of the officers of RG. I've posted on a few other forums about us, but I can't forget the GW Guru!

We are a guild of friends, dedicated to enjoying ourselves. Yes, we PvE and GvG and PvP and such, but mainly we focus on having a good time gaming. We currently have 32 members as of this post, about 26 of them play whenever possible, and 10 are active in IRC on down time, so there are plenty of new faces to meet.

If you are interested in learning more, checking out our cool screenshots, or hanging out, you can find information on how to contact us over mIRC or other means on our site at You can also find Other useful information and tips on there, too! Hope to see you in game!