Question regarding Rune salvage...


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

June 01 update
Added new art for unidentified salvaged runes so that the profession and rune quality are displayed. Identifying the rune is still required to learn the rune's attribute and to unlock the rune. This change only impacts newly salvaged runes.
Is it just me or is this not the way the Runes currently work?

I see neither the profession nor quality prior to identifying salvage items containing runes - they're just Teal, Purple, or Gold and say "Unidentified" like they've always been.

I thought this was going to be a pretty nifty change to the economy (allowing players to sell you Superior Unidentified salvage items for your class so you can unlock those runes for PVP) but it didn't end up working it seems...

Mercury Angel

Mercury Angel

Avatar of Gwen

Join Date: Apr 2005

Wandering my own road.

Runes, not salvage items.
If you have an unidentified, then salvage it first, it will have that information.

So, you risk losing the rune if you expert salvage it first in order to get an unidentified labeled profession+grade salable rune.


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Ooooh, salvaging it before identifying it. I would've never thought of doing that.

Thanks for the clarification (: