Made my own farming video.
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My farming video
congratulations on making the same exact video as everyone else, same skills etc. How about something new for a change?
Dont listen to him, that was sick. What spell was that btw?
Wyld Kard
How about instead of critizing the poor person. You say waht you liked and did not like about the video so waht he/she uses is well overused but waht isnt nowadays theirs so many copy cat builds out there that its impossible to be original.
Just what we need, more attention to the few number of farm spots there already are. Decent video I guess, but theres just so many videos exactly like this, running the exact same builds.
Well i don't recall myself saying it was a new build for farming.
Just thought id share it.
Just thought id share it.
Cool video. Where are all these places you're farming? I see amnoon and riverside.. what about the rest, though?
How about not telling anyone where they are, I'm sick of all the good spots getting nerfed due to videos/threads like this.
Flesh golems are the lastest great example of that......
Flesh golems are the lastest great example of that......
can someone tell me what the build is plz?
Do you think the devs do not play the game? They are much better than us. I am sure they play like this, and they sure of hell report stuff more than us. They know where the spots are.