Fissure (FoW) Armor - Monk -
Preppy Emo Kid
After spending about 100k and alot of U.W. runs later....
This is the Tattoo set for the Monk, notice how they aren't Tattoo's
I have screenshots of Monk - Elemntalist - Warrior and what they require from FoW Crafter, will post if you want. BTW all them screens where taken before they fixed that quest :P I did it the hard way!
This Monk armor is same stats as the Tattoo set, +8 energy and such
Oh yeah it was a crappy beige color first, some Black Dye livend it up a bit
*edit* I do not know where Obsiadan Shards are!! Monks dont require them!! Only 90 ectoplasm...god that was hard enough, gl with your shards
This is the Tattoo set for the Monk, notice how they aren't Tattoo's
I have screenshots of Monk - Elemntalist - Warrior and what they require from FoW Crafter, will post if you want. BTW all them screens where taken before they fixed that quest :P I did it the hard way!
This Monk armor is same stats as the Tattoo set, +8 energy and such
Oh yeah it was a crappy beige color first, some Black Dye livend it up a bit
*edit* I do not know where Obsiadan Shards are!! Monks dont require them!! Only 90 ectoplasm...god that was hard enough, gl with your shards
can u post ele and warr please THX.
Preppy Emo Kid
If you have more PLZ post here, I would like to see all classes armors
If you have more PLZ post here, I would like to see all classes armors
Yay, finally a cool-looking set with super + Energy!
Originally Posted by Preppy Emo Kid
If you have more PLZ post here, I would like to see all classes armors
for warriors i see the req is iron /scales / ectoplasm/ BUTHWTAS THE OThEr THING
BTW is this tattoo set's graphics exactly like another sets? What I mean is, is this the only set that looks like this? Because I'd like to buy this set for the +energy and the clothed looks, but I'd like to replace the chest piece and maybe leg piece with real armor that happens to look exactly like that.
So I would be wearing tattoos arm/feet, but armor chest/legs, and it would appear to other people as if I were wearing this full set. If there is a non-tattoo set with matching graphics, where is it?
So I would be wearing tattoos arm/feet, but armor chest/legs, and it would appear to other people as if I were wearing this full set. If there is a non-tattoo set with matching graphics, where is it?
The other thing looks like a Monstrous Tusk or something like that. I picked one up way back in Ascalon City area. I was wondering if there was a reason I held onto it.
how far in fissure is the crafter?
oh and does it look any different than the 15k crafter in marhan's or granite?
oh and does it look any different than the 15k crafter in marhan's or granite?
Preppy Emo Kid
The claw like things: Obsiadan Shards
I believe Shards are turned off or in the drop pool. Mainly because no1 has them!
I do not know if all sets look the same. They do look it like though, all sets from fissure look like they will be the same graphic when equiped but I am not 100%!
Yes it looks different
Tattoo's from Grotto/Citadel look like well tattoos, and all the sets have differetn graphics as FoW does not
I believe Shards are turned off or in the drop pool. Mainly because no1 has them!
I do not know if all sets look the same. They do look it like though, all sets from fissure look like they will be the same graphic when equiped but I am not 100%!
Yes it looks different
Tattoo's from Grotto/Citadel look like well tattoos, and all the sets have differetn graphics as FoW does not
i found out that Obsiadan Shards are crafted from a material seller in the underworld :S
Hmm my other question was kind of stupid, but I am really looking forward to seeing an answer to this one:
Why are the feet tattoo's 800 while the rest (including other foot armor) are 15000?
Why are the feet tattoo's 800 while the rest (including other foot armor) are 15000?
Vermilion Okeanos
Originally Posted by KingKryton
i found out that Obsiadan Shards are crafted from a material seller in the underworld :S
O.o crafter from underworld... after which quest or nearby which statue?
holy crap, you need that much o.0
Can you show the elem's headgear listings? I want to see if my sapphire/emerald/ruby hunch was correct.
Where do you find Ectoplamas?
obsidian shards have been modified in the new patch that was released yesterday, you can read about it at the main site or linked from home site.
All that to look like a healer hench ?
Vermilion Okeanos
LOL healer hench huh?
I didn't even thought of that...
hmm, any fake Healer Henchman comming up soon?
tomb conversation:
"HAha, a a healer hench... lets kill that first"
"Wtf? healer hench using smiting? WTF!? that hurt like hell!!"
Loading lobby
"Wtf was that? when did they change the healer hench to smiting?"
"You must have seen it wrong"
"No! I swear that look like a healer hench!"
"oh yea? picture?"
"uhh... I didn't remember to take one"
"no pic = shut up"
"sigh... i swear i saw that healer hench use smite... i swear..."
I didn't even thought of that...
hmm, any fake Healer Henchman comming up soon?
tomb conversation:
"HAha, a a healer hench... lets kill that first"
"Wtf? healer hench using smiting? WTF!? that hurt like hell!!"
Loading lobby
"Wtf was that? when did they change the healer hench to smiting?"
"You must have seen it wrong"
"No! I swear that look like a healer hench!"
"oh yea? picture?"
"uhh... I didn't remember to take one"
"no pic = shut up"
"sigh... i swear i saw that healer hench use smite... i swear..."
Wow great job! Yeah I'll say you lucked out only needing 90 ectos.
But even so that's a ton! I think I have... 5? And I've done many runs.
But even so that's a ton! I think I have... 5? And I've done many runs.
i'd say they have only one armor graphic for the underworld. notice how every icon for every armor set looks the same? the ascetics you wear is probably either saintly or wanderers set. they just use those graphics until they have the time to make own graphics.
now the interesting question is, whether or not at least this one set that exists looks different to all other sets that are available in the world outside, including citadel & grotto.
edit: just a thought. as far as i know, every class has at least one set in the citadel or in the grotto, that looks exactly like the droknar's forge armor. and there is one design for every class in the fissure. to me, the fissure armor of the elementalist looks like an improved version of the aeromancer armor - which happens to be the one that doesn't have citadel/grotto armor. so maybe they had 4 different sets in the beginning (for the citadel/grotto), until someone had the idea to add a crafter to the underworld. what would you do if you didn't have the time to make designs for another 4 armors sets? well, just pick one armor set from the 4 you already had and use them as the placeholder for the fissure armor sets. so at least ppl won't complain that they bought something that looks exactly like the standard armor.
edit 2: saintly is the monk set missing for citadel/grotto, and for me this armor set looks just like that.
now the interesting question is, whether or not at least this one set that exists looks different to all other sets that are available in the world outside, including citadel & grotto.
edit: just a thought. as far as i know, every class has at least one set in the citadel or in the grotto, that looks exactly like the droknar's forge armor. and there is one design for every class in the fissure. to me, the fissure armor of the elementalist looks like an improved version of the aeromancer armor - which happens to be the one that doesn't have citadel/grotto armor. so maybe they had 4 different sets in the beginning (for the citadel/grotto), until someone had the idea to add a crafter to the underworld. what would you do if you didn't have the time to make designs for another 4 armors sets? well, just pick one armor set from the 4 you already had and use them as the placeholder for the fissure armor sets. so at least ppl won't complain that they bought something that looks exactly like the standard armor.
edit 2: saintly is the monk set missing for citadel/grotto, and for me this armor set looks just like that.
Some questions (for ranger):
So I know there is 15k armor in FoW, but is there also in UW?
How many armor sets are in FoW and UW (if any) and what are they called? For example, in Granite Citadel, there are 2 different armor sets, Frostbound and Studded leather.
And finally, can someone post the requirement for these armor?
Please don't answer if you're not at least pretty sure. Other people could use this information, too, and multiple "unsure" answers may create nothing but confusion. Thanks!
So I know there is 15k armor in FoW, but is there also in UW?
How many armor sets are in FoW and UW (if any) and what are they called? For example, in Granite Citadel, there are 2 different armor sets, Frostbound and Studded leather.
And finally, can someone post the requirement for these armor?
Please don't answer if you're not at least pretty sure. Other people could use this information, too, and multiple "unsure" answers may create nothing but confusion. Thanks!
Originally Posted by Blind
Some questions (for ranger):
So I know there is 15k armor in FoW, but is there also in UW?
How many armor sets are in FoW and UW (if any) and what are they called? For example, in Granite Citadel, there are 2 different armor sets, Frostbound and Studded leather.
And finally, can someone post the requirement for these armor?
Please don't answer if you're not at least pretty sure. Other people could use this information, too, and multiple "unsure" answers may create nothing but confusion. Thanks! there is no armor crafter in the underworld, but ppl often refer to the crafter in the fissure as the crafter in the 'underworld'. and if you look at the pics above - there is only one armor set for every class (design wise), yet there are all sets that are available in the citadel/grotto (stats wise). see more details in my last posting.
So I know there is 15k armor in FoW, but is there also in UW?
How many armor sets are in FoW and UW (if any) and what are they called? For example, in Granite Citadel, there are 2 different armor sets, Frostbound and Studded leather.
And finally, can someone post the requirement for these armor?
Please don't answer if you're not at least pretty sure. Other people could use this information, too, and multiple "unsure" answers may create nothing but confusion. Thanks! there is no armor crafter in the underworld, but ppl often refer to the crafter in the fissure as the crafter in the 'underworld'. and if you look at the pics above - there is only one armor set for every class (design wise), yet there are all sets that are available in the citadel/grotto (stats wise). see more details in my last posting.
i saw warrior fow armor, actually the chest piece only on someone, i shouldve screened it for u guys to see, but oh well, anyways, its much better looking than granite citadel armor imo.
can u post up a list of the materials for the 1.5k and/or 15k armor for a monk. ive seen the picstures of them up top but i dont know what they are. I know i need ectosplasms. and if any1 has a picture of the different types there are can u plz post. id like to see them and try to start saving up the materials for when the time comes..ty ahead of time
On that screenshot showing the materials for the monk armor, I'm assuming that's regular cloth and steel, or is it special steel like deldrimor steel?
What's exactly the reqs for W Armor? blob (dunno where i can get that much ) ? what r the others? monstrous claw?
Id really like to know about the ranger's armor, because the grotto armor for druids looks the same, is there a different looking +energy armor in fissure or underworld?
Evan montegarde
I third ranger armor, since the 15k armor looks the same I'm wondering if the FOW does too.
They recently changed the design of the elementalist armor in Fissure. The current picture you have above was taken a while back, while this one on the bottom shows a slightly different look which was taken recently around 1 week ago, yet they are both being sold from the same crafter.
P.S- Look closely to the boot's spacing and the totally different chest piece look. The arms ont he current pic are more buffer than the one posted on this thread. The leggingings are spaced out more like a skirt than the spandex looking one on the posted pic on this thread.
P.S- Look closely to the boot's spacing and the totally different chest piece look. The arms ont he current pic are more buffer than the one posted on this thread. The leggingings are spaced out more like a skirt than the spandex looking one on the posted pic on this thread.
Originally Posted by Homo
They recently changed the design of the elementalist armor in Fissure. The current picture you have above was taken a while back, while this one on the bottom shows a slightly different look which was taken recently around 1 week ago, yet they are both being sold from the same crafter.
P.S- Look closely to the boot's spacing and the totally different chest piece look. The arms ont he current pic are more buffer than the one posted on this thread. The leggingings are spaced out more like a skirt than the spandex looking one on the posted pic on this thread.
male and female difference...
P.S- Look closely to the boot's spacing and the totally different chest piece look. The arms ont he current pic are more buffer than the one posted on this thread. The leggingings are spaced out more like a skirt than the spandex looking one on the posted pic on this thread.
male and female difference...
but where do u get ALL of those ectos ppl r certainly not dropping 120 of em
This game has been out for over 50 days and still no pictures of rangers forge armor. And dont give me any of that rangers are not good enough to get there crap, because in alot of the forge screen shots they have a ranger on their team.
(Not to mention, my good team that beat ring of fire was 5 rangers, and we all used healing spring hehehe)
(Not to mention, my good team that beat ring of fire was 5 rangers, and we all used healing spring hehehe)
Originally Posted by Witchblade
but where do u get ALL of those ectos ppl r certainly not dropping 120 of em
a few days of yelling "WTB ECTOPLASM AND OBSIDIAN SHARDS" shall do the job, u can get like 1 of each every 5 or so minutes, patience my friend.
just be sure to bring your bottomless chequebook cause each piece will run ya 1.5-2K for globs. so for say 90 ... do the math your gonna need over 135K. And thats just for globs oO.
As for the ranger armor ... I'll post up a pic of 15K (granite citadel) studded leather ... next time I take screens. I don't currently have the fissure armor for him yet but am building the funds as fast as humanly possible (woe is me, why oh why do I have to equip 4 characters, my bloody coffers are running dry ...)
As for the ranger armor ... I'll post up a pic of 15K (granite citadel) studded leather ... next time I take screens. I don't currently have the fissure armor for him yet but am building the funds as fast as humanly possible (woe is me, why oh why do I have to equip 4 characters, my bloody coffers are running dry ...)
Male 15k Fissure armor is here:
Thanks for starting this thread, I might not have spent all that effort to get mine if I had no clue what it looked like .
Anyway, here's my monk in the pants and shirt, dyed my favorite blue (which actually took black, red, red, yellow to make since it apparently dyes negative).
Anyway, here's my monk in the pants and shirt, dyed my favorite blue (which actually took black, red, red, yellow to make since it apparently dyes negative).
Quick question: do fissure and grotto and citadel armor look the same? Or does fissure look completely different than the other 15k armor?
Thanks...sry for the hijack
Thanks...sry for the hijack
So there is no armor crafter in UW? that makes no sense...if there is one in Fissure why cant there be one in Underworld? i dont wanna waste money on a fissure set and then find out there is "platemail" in the UW so plz...reply
Iron Amadeus
Id like to know as well. Is there a FoW style Platemail set? and if so, where?
For the warrior fissure set, could someone please tell me what material is between the iron and the ecto? There seem to be two (2 colors).