Guild Versus Guild
ok I am trying to make a PvP only character for GvG. When I make a character it says I can make him an arena or a tournement guy, but the GvG option is greyed out. How can I make it highlited?
Maybe ure guild needs a hall
or you are not in a guild
or you are not in a guild

I am surely in a guild im actually the leader. we dont have a guild hall but I was told that you participate in GvG to obtain a sigil to buy a guild hall. Or do I just have to do tournements?
you have to win in the tournaments.
to be more specific:
win in the tombs to get to the hoh and win in the hoh to get a celestial sigil (or 3
with this sigil buy a guildhall and THEN you can do GvG fights.
to be more specific:
win in the tombs to get to the hoh and win in the hoh to get a celestial sigil (or 3

with this sigil buy a guildhall and THEN you can do GvG fights.