Can you play cooperatively in the new area of the game? Or is it a trainer in the sense that the other intro was, and you can only play singly? If it is only a single play, about how long does it take to complete on average? Assuming that you don't do every little sidequest and talk to every single person? I'd like to plan what I need to accomplish before playing multiplayer next weekend.
New area of game
I'd love to provide the answers to those questions, but I think ANet wants us to stay quiet on any details of the new area. We've also been doing lots of testing there to get it ready, and plenty of changes are being made still. If someone else who knows better what the beta testers can and cannot say they can step in, otherwise its probably just one of those "wait and see" things
It will be interesting though...
It will be interesting though...
Keelan Trement
Im unfortunately not in Alpha testing, but I can give you my best guess. Im guessing it will be a whole another area, like Kryta or Ascalon, where you can explore and do the quests. When they say you can stop and talk to people, I am assuming it is side quests, which are probably in the explorable area. So you can either go through the quests, or do side quests, or both. So time wise? Well, if they are missions and quests with levels around the Kryta difficulty, Id say to do all the quests and side quests, with a good team, probably take most if not all the weekend. If they actually replace Ascalon after the Searing with the New PreSearing Ascalon, (making it a low level area) I would say you should be able to complete all the quests and side quests in the weekend with a good team and still have time to PvP and such. Now, this is with a good team, if you lose a few missions and arent on a heck of alot, dont plan on doing more then just most of the quests or just most of the side quests.
I hope that helped! (and I hope I guess good )
I hope that helped! (and I hope I guess good )
Originally Posted by Blackace
All I will tell you is that if you were worried about Guild Wars not having enough immersion before, you will be greatly impressed
*starts marking days off imaginary calendar*
Thanks so far guys. I'm not concerned about the game in general, I'm sure it will be fun. I just have the two specific questions, here is why. My dad has a few characters already made, if there is a large section to start new in, and he can't play until Sunday, I may make a character that will complement one of the characters he already has. If we both need to start new characters and play the beginning, we can do whatever we want, but how much time will we each have to put in before we can co-op on missions.
Originally Posted by Rellok
Can you play cooperatively in the new area of the game? Or is it a trainer in the sense that the other intro was, and you can only play singly?
I don't see why that matters really, since the training mission is like less than 1% of your playing time, And that's for BWEs, let alone the time in full release you'll be playing like that.
In my opinion it should be single player there because everyone works at their own pace, as well if you have a team playing it would make it too easy, and if you just made more monsters or more powerful ones to make it more challenging, it would then be impossible for the newbies who don't know how to work as a team or who are still further back on the map.
The time it takes to beat the first trainer mission is very low In My Opinion, especially if you skip all the nooks and crammies and even some of hte monsters.
It could probably take as little as 15 mintues to get into your first co-op mission if you try, while if you take longer maybe it could take an hour.
I certainly think it's not an issue if you play a two hours or more each day.
Xapti has much to learn .
I can't answer all of your questions, I'm not sure I can answer any.
I'll see if I can give you any help.
After thinking for a while, I don't think I can answer anything you've asked due to this shackle that is the NDA. Just trust me that you'll enjoy the new area and your concerns will be answered when you log in and play it.
I'll see if I can give you any help.
After thinking for a while, I don't think I can answer anything you've asked due to this shackle that is the NDA. Just trust me that you'll enjoy the new area and your concerns will be answered when you log in and play it.
First you will see all this happy world, like in Fable. You run around, maybe have a new years eve party. And in the end the world gets destroyed in a war.
I'm thinking more of a war, where you and a lot of other civilians run from the Charr. Trying to save your own skin, maybe your family and friends too. See people screaming in pain as they die by the hand of Charr warriors.
I hope they do something good, something I don't wanna just rush through to get to the player versus player.
I'm thinking more of a war, where you and a lot of other civilians run from the Charr. Trying to save your own skin, maybe your family and friends too. See people screaming in pain as they die by the hand of Charr warriors.
I hope they do something good, something I don't wanna just rush through to get to the player versus player.
When I first heard of this area I thought "glorified newbie area." It still seems that way a bit (why do none of the screenshots have monsters? maybe there aren't many, or maybe its just a suprise ) From the way the alphas talk about it, it sounds like much more than that, and I hope that it is! I don't know how Anet would work it in, but I hope the new area is connected to the worlds at war concept, and pvp in some way, shape, or form. Anyway, I'm really excited to see it, and I have a feeling I'll be spending a lot of my time there! Lets hear some more tidbits... just think what the NDA will not allow you to say ... and say everything else!
under the current NDA the only words I can use are the, a, are, and wow.
So take what you can from that. lol
So take what you can from that. lol
Ok, thanks Aladdar, that pretty much sums it up
The ____ __ wow. The _______ are wow.
The ____ __ wow. The _______ are wow.
Thanks Blackace, I guess we'll just plan to make new chars and join up whenever we can.
I would like to point out that you said laugh and hilariously when describing the new content, blatantly different words than the allowed the, a, are, and wow j/k
Thanks everyone for your input.
I would like to point out that you said laugh and hilariously when describing the new content, blatantly different words than the allowed the, a, are, and wow j/k
Thanks everyone for your input.