Swarnt Brightstar
I personally think that it would be cool if you could buy/earn through a quest a horse that you could ride around towns. Also you could ride the horse through an explorable area, BUT the horse should have the same amount of health as the player... You know what I mean, it takes forever to get from one end of Lions Arch to the other, same with pre-searing ascalon city... In other words, to have a quick form of transportation around town... Also if you could buy a pet, if you werent a ranger that would be nice too...
Originally Posted by Swarnt Brightstar
I personally think that it would be cool if you could buy/earn through a quest a horse that you could ride around towns. Also you could ride the horse through an explorable area, BUT the horse should have the same amount of health as the player... You know what I mean, it takes forever to get from one end of Lions Arch to the other, same with pre-searing ascalon city... In other words, to have a quick form of transportation around town... Also if you could buy a pet, if you werent a ranger that would be nice too...

the explorable areas are balanced already for foot traffic so drop it already
the towns are too small for it to make a difference
the animals disappear when you enter a town anyway
the bandwidth for each animal would put more of a load on the servers so drop it already
this has been beaten to death repeatedly so drop it already
did i mention drop it already

You don't have to be mean Loviatar, it was just a suggestion, and I think that's the idea of this thread.
My response being, btw.. Rangers are cool because they get pets (well, not just for that reason, but it's a big one.) Why would you detract from their class and give something unique to everyone else? I wouldn't even want to be a ranger anymore.
My response being, btw.. Rangers are cool because they get pets (well, not just for that reason, but it's a big one.) Why would you detract from their class and give something unique to everyone else? I wouldn't even want to be a ranger anymore.
I agree with Loviatar. I guess he would be understandably a little aggravated since the original poster posted 2 topics on a subject posted a thousand times and shot down before.
The ranger pets occupy at least 1 (and almost always 2) skill slots. Being able to "buy" a pet would not only give other classes something otherwise unique to rangers like Xinaya said, but it would statistically unbalance the game, it would be like buying 2 skill slots with gold; while we're at it, why not make health buyable? or attribute points?
That way, farmers can be running around with 10,000 health and max out all of their attributes! The same goes with mounts. Movement speed is a statistic, just like health and damage. Having mounts would make speed skills such as sprint and escape useless (or super cheap if they both stack.) I certainly don't want to see mounted warriors sprinting towards my casters.
Okay, sorry for that bit of sarcasm there, but really, please don't suggest something just because you saw it in another game without first considering how it would affect Guild Wars.
The ranger pets occupy at least 1 (and almost always 2) skill slots. Being able to "buy" a pet would not only give other classes something otherwise unique to rangers like Xinaya said, but it would statistically unbalance the game, it would be like buying 2 skill slots with gold; while we're at it, why not make health buyable? or attribute points?

Okay, sorry for that bit of sarcasm there, but really, please don't suggest something just because you saw it in another game without first considering how it would affect Guild Wars.
Horse? how out of roleplay... How bout an Icarus , or a halfhumanhalfhorsething, or a Hoverboard thats crafted from special crystals found deep within the ironhorsemines, that travels so much faster then walking but lowers your def or att speed & takes a few seconds to get on or off... hmm or a motortrike powered by only the finest juices of plant fibres bwuahahhaha i think that speedy run skill that some can use has it covered tho im all up for additions xD
I think if a way of transportation was added, they would need to increase the map sizes a lot. Mainly because the maps would be small with a fast mode of transportation, and it would give power players too much of an upper hand to just run through hordes of monsters that move at 1/4 the speed they do, and get to the next town within minutes. As is, I think the maps are perfect considering all that's on them.
if i had a horse i would name her epoina
As much as things like mounts and horses would be cool... I really don't see a need for them in this game...
Originally Posted by RTSFirebat
As much as things like mounts and horses would be cool... I really don't see a need for them in this game...
Originally Posted by Xinaya
Agreed. Would look cool... but... serve any story purpose? Not really. Unless it was a one-time thing in part of a future mission.. maybe that would work. "Hurry, deliver this message! Don't get killed on the way!" sorta thing. But a permanent part of the game? Not reasonable.
But for a one off mission they wouldn't do, the amount of animation work and coding required wouldn't be worth the while for one mission.
Originally Posted by RTSFirebat
Maybe if they make bigger areas as in MASSIVE areas for chapter two expansion.
But for a one off mission they wouldn't do, the amount of animation work and coding required wouldn't be worth the while for one mission. |
The fault I see in this idea is that it would be WAY to easy to just run through everything and complete quests/missions. Its already pretty easy to run through most things if you are smart, and have a speed increase.
I vote --no.
I vote --no.
Originally Posted by Aaaaagh
The fault I see in this idea is that it would be WAY to easy to just run through everything and complete quests/missions. Its already pretty easy to run through most things if you are smart, and have a speed increase.
I vote --no. |

Horses? What about that dragon thing in the last N. Shiverpeaks mission. That sucker was keen.
Wtf? You know what, YES. YES we should have the stupid ass horse. Maybe then I won't see another "omg we need a horse cause Lion's Arch is so huuuuge! Damn Krytans!" thread.
Originally Posted by eA-Zaku
Wtf? You know what, YES. YES we should have the stupid ass horse. Maybe then I won't see another "omg we need a horse cause Lion's Arch is so huuuuge! Damn Krytans!" thread.
Mounts comes up so often 'cause it's a cool idea. God knows I would love to see my Necro riding a hydra but its just not necisary. Old MMO's had a big flaw of having to run around every where on foot in a huge continent and new MMO's are fixing it in their own ways. Some have space ships, some have tele scrolls, some have mounts but Guild wars has instant teleportation to any town you've previously ben to and the creators have desighned it so chances are if you're going some where theres a town nearby.
The only point of a mount would be to look cool, look like WoW, maybe some attack bonus and defense penalty.
The only point of a mount would be to look cool, look like WoW, maybe some attack bonus and defense penalty.