Targeting bug?
When using henchman in the Frozen Forest, when I target and hit dolyak masters my party does not respond (they go on fighting someone else). This has happened consistently many times for me in the last 2 days. Is it just me or has anyone else noticed this?
Your henchmen won't attack if something is in their way of the target. That said, when you say target do mean you click on and attack mob X, or do you mean, you click on and hit ctrl-space which causes you to announce that you're attacking mob X and others in your party can hit T to join in? If not the second, try that.
Originally Posted by dargon
Your henchmen won't attack if something is in their way of the target. That said, when you say target do mean you click on and attack mob X, or do you mean, you click on and hit ctrl-space which causes you to announce that you're attacking mob X and others in your party can hit T to join in? If not the second, try that.