i wanna go to korean server
how can i go to korean server? i really ahve no hope in going with an american pug and i pretty much did everything in rp, so i might as well go to korean server and play pvp with koreans, but when i tried changing servers i couldnt change to korean

Lord Palidore
Well duh, it would give an unfair advantage to players.
It wouldnt be fair if America had the favor of the gods, and europe or korea players came to american servers would it?
Besides, it wouldnt be much different anyway. Sure, Koreans got a competitive style, but either way, theyre still human, they play guild wars as much as the average american, and no matter who your gonna play, at the end, theres always gonna be one winner, and one loser.
It wouldnt be fair if America had the favor of the gods, and europe or korea players came to american servers would it?
Besides, it wouldnt be much different anyway. Sure, Koreans got a competitive style, but either way, theyre still human, they play guild wars as much as the average american, and no matter who your gonna play, at the end, theres always gonna be one winner, and one loser.
So, do you speak Korean? And have a Korean keyboard?
Or you haven't gotten that far.
Or you haven't gotten that far.
Log into the game, on the character select screen click "Account Options" or whatever it's called, the button next to log out. Then choose change world or something. The option is in there, but you can only change world 5 times.
Perhaps the option to play on Korean servers is only available with a purchase of a localised Korean version of the game ...
Originally Posted by spiritofcat
Log into the game, on the character select screen click "Account Options" or whatever it's called, the button next to log out. Then choose change world or something. The option is in there, but you can only change world 5 times.
Originally Posted by ChristopherKee
As he said.
Actually it only lets you choose Europe or American, at least on my version of the game.
I think you'll have to change your language options to "Korean" before you can switch worlds.
koreans NEVER let anyone else but koreans play on their servers, (cough lineage 2, lineage 1)