By "message" I mean, a way to give / trade items even if receiver not on-line.
Trade: requires both players on-line at same time
Guild Hall Storage Vault: still a very long way off (we're a PvE only guild)
The problem: My guild, whilst small, has members from a lot of different timezones and so many members never are on-line at the same time. I would like to foster a sense of working together within the guild. We have a guild web site (forum) and so was thinking they could post lists of say weapons or crafter materials they have but don't need, and so could give to / trade with other guild members (example: Warrior with lots of Wood Planks, so posts "I got 20 Wood Planks, anyone need them?" and a Ranger would read this and reply, "Yes please", that sort of thing).
However, the limitations with the Trade option as I understand it, is that both players have to be logged-on at the same time. Not an easy thing to do when timezones are significately different (incompatible).
I believe once a guild has a Guild Hall, there's a common storage vault, but that's still a long way off for us, and I have concerns about how controllable is that? Ie, if it's a free-for-all, then could get a situation where one player in a fit of "need better armour", extracts everything from the shared vault, sells it and spends the gold! True, guild members should be trusted persons, but as I am seeing happen now, is that persons I do trust (guild officers) are able to bring in people they trust, but who are unknown to me, and with a big "pot of gold" sitting there in the Guild Vault, can totally understand the temptation. Sure a rogue guild member can be sternly spoken to, and requested to pay back the money, or simply be booted out, but either way wouldn't recover the stash of carefully collected crafter materials etc.
Personally I would very much like for a way to be able to message guild members and be able to include items in the message (bit like an e-mail with file attachments, but this would be within the game and be Inventory items). So, in other words, guild members arrange a transfer (be it a swap or just a one-way "gift"), and then send the agreed goods via a message at their convenience (even if the receiver is not on-line, they just get the message the next time they logged-in).
Anyway, would like to hear the GW communities thoughts and comments...
Need a way to "message" items to other guild members
seeker monk
<3 I Like It. <3
This is almost basic functionality, and I'll really like to see it.
There's a lot of things that Arena Net didn't implement from the get go, which I think is fine (I'd rather have fewer, but functional things, and have them added later, which is reasonable for something like Guild Wars). This is also something that the game doesn't need right away, after all, but it's seemingly basic and would be VERY nice.
It would, incidentally, solve one major problem of having two accounts (not characters, but accounts) by simplifying item trading a lot. (I know I'm still going to run into problems when I have more high level characters re: unlocking skills, etc., and that will also be a major issue, but entirely different.)
There's a lot of things that Arena Net didn't implement from the get go, which I think is fine (I'd rather have fewer, but functional things, and have them added later, which is reasonable for something like Guild Wars). This is also something that the game doesn't need right away, after all, but it's seemingly basic and would be VERY nice.
It would, incidentally, solve one major problem of having two accounts (not characters, but accounts) by simplifying item trading a lot. (I know I'm still going to run into problems when I have more high level characters re: unlocking skills, etc., and that will also be a major issue, but entirely different.)