Is it just me, or have many of you reached that 'four character limitation' yet? I have four level 20's already - all ascended - and as good as that may sound... IT'S NOT!!! :-(
I am now considering buying another account, or deleting a character slot to make a "PvP Only Character"; I have to pick! This choice is painful. While I don't want to pay the money, I don't want to give up my hard-earned characters (all with end game armor... so I've spent not only time for leveling and questing... but getting the materials).
Should I delete a character slot in order to have a PvP only character?
One big question I have is this :
If I delete a character which I only use for PvP and nothing else, and then remake that character as PvP only, will this affect me in any way? I have a W/Mo I only PvP with, so should I delete him, and when I feal like using a W/Mo make him in PvP only and start playing? Will this limit me in PvP games (like, will I not be aloud to do GvG battles, and Hall of Heros Battles with PvP only???).
Thx for any help on my dilema. The main thing I'm asking about is whether or not PvP only characters are limited in any way other than not being aloud out of PvP arenas.
A Matter of Money, or Sacrifice... your oppinions/ideas appreciated
PvP only characters are allowed in all PvP zones - arenas, tombs, and GvG. They have all skills that you've unlocked with any character, and all equipment you have unlocked.
If you have a RP character that you only PvP with, the only thing you'll lose by deleting him and making a PvP clone is any special equipment you might have traded for - you can only use runes and weapon upgrades that you have unlocked. Otherwise things should be unchanged, max effect melee weapons and shields are available to PvP characters from creation.
If you have a RP character that you only PvP with, the only thing you'll lose by deleting him and making a PvP clone is any special equipment you might have traded for - you can only use runes and weapon upgrades that you have unlocked. Otherwise things should be unchanged, max effect melee weapons and shields are available to PvP characters from creation.
Why would you want a PvP-only character? If you have 4 fully-ascended characters, then you can interchange them out as you please for PvP, so you can be pretty versatile. I don't see the need to limit one of them to PvP when the others can do PvE and PvP just fine.
Originally Posted by Kershent
Why would you want a PvP-only character? If you have 4 fully-ascended characters, then you can interchange them out as you please for PvP, so you can be pretty versatile. I don't see the need to limit one of them to PvP when the others can do PvE and PvP just fine.
I have a W/N, a W/Mo, a Mo/Me, and an E/R. This is every class (if you count the secondaries). Although, this doesn't include what I want to do exactly. I want a N/W for casting abilities. I want a N/Me for summoning, or for countering. I want a R/Me. I want a R/N. I want a R/W. I want a W/R... I want too many characters to name them all. Problem is I can't get all the mainclasses on one account, and to change the secondary classes... well, I could do that... but that takes money and time. So, I thought by getting most of the skills and making a PvP only char, it would help. Right now, I don't have a lot of the different char types.
I think I'll probably delete my W/Mo, as it's the least unique... very bland character... never really exciting... no thought... probably that one would go first. If I ever wanted to get a W/Mo back in PvE so badly, I'd just switch my W/N to a W/Mo for a bit... then back again.
You probably should have made 3 PvE chars to cover the 6 classes, and saved one spot for the last PvP char. That's what most I know do. For instance, I've completed the game as a mo/war and an ele/me, and soon I'll have done the same with r/n.
pvp-unlock skills are stored in you account. you can delete characters and keep the unlocked skills.
Have 3 Characters to unlock all skills:
Have a 4th temporary character with the primary skills you like the less, get the elite skills of it and delete it (3 times).
now All elites are unlocked, you have 1 pvp char slot and 3 "favourite promary chars" to play with, no matter what will change.
Have 3 Characters to unlock all skills:
Have a 4th temporary character with the primary skills you like the less, get the elite skills of it and delete it (3 times).
now All elites are unlocked, you have 1 pvp char slot and 3 "favourite promary chars" to play with, no matter what will change.
Red Locust
Delete the W/Mo, warrior and monk are the only duplicates that you have between your 4 characters. Keep the rest so you can go back and cap any elites or buy skills you might need in the future.
Originally Posted by Ollj
Have 3 Characters to unlock all skills:
Have a 4th temporary character with the primary skills you like the less, get the elite skills of it and delete it (3 times). |

Originally Posted by Kershent
Why would you want a PvP-only character? If you have 4 fully-ascended characters, then you can interchange them out as you please for PvP, so you can be pretty versatile. I don't see the need to limit one of them to PvP when the others can do PvE and PvP just fine.
If i'm also not mistaken, you can unlock anything you'd need by doing all of the -secondary- profession change quests post-ascension.