I have bought and sold quite a few items/weapons through ventari sell here on the forums. In the process of that, have met quite a few idiots. What I mean by that, is people who say they have an item, but never actually have it, put out fake bids with no intention of following through with them. My question is, is it against the rules to have a list of people at the bottom of my auction/selling list that are not eligible to bid. That way, if they come in and start bidding, everyone else can ignore them since their bid would not count anyway.
I know this sounds harsh and cruel, but am getting very tired of going through the process of selling an item on here, to then msg the winner and them say "haha, you actually thought I was going to buy it". Maybe, this will force people to take the selling process here on the forums a little more seriously as to avoid seeing their name in a "no sell" list.
Feedback on this is much appreciated, and would love to get a mods ruling as to whether it is against the rules.
Excluding People From Auctions
well i for one like bidding but i will be honest the forums there need to be updated so you can mark the thread and it will stay in the top so you can go back to it and check up on it. sometimes i find it very hard to find old threads that i have posted in several days ago
You can always do a search for you username in the specific forum. Also you can subscribe to a thread and check your User CP screen.