GWG "Phone Book"

Vyxxen Heartstomper

Vyxxen Heartstomper

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

San Diego

Mistress Alexa's Minions


Hey.. the GWG phone book is a good idea!

I'm Vyxxen Heartstomper (W/Mo),
Vallary Quicksilver (Rang/Mes),
Miss Veralee Hale (Monk/?)

My wife's characters? -- don't know offhand.

We'll be looking peeps up to get to Lyon's Arch.

She likes PvE mostly and exploring. She'll need some experience to get into PvP and teaming up. I LOVE teaming up with others, though I have limited PvP experience. Still, I learn quickly. Give me a challenge, learn me, and after awhile, you'll get schooled!

Look forward to seeing everyone!

--Vyxxen Heartstomper

Rushing Wind

Rushing Wind

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2005

Within the dense fog of my own mind

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


Currently... before we all get wiped.

Rushing Wind - War/Ele - lvl 12
Aray Ko - R/Mes - lvl 3

Still in the process of trying to figure out what other professions I want to play. Don't know if Aray Ko will survive after this weekend but I will keep Rushing Wind and his current profession. He just may look different once I have to re-create him again!

I know I'm going to have at least one character (primary or secondary) as a monk. I know I'll at least need to keep myself alive. I'm a gamer for any ocassion. More than happy to play pick up quests and find some good friends to run around with.

Eventually I will dominate everyone and everything. Til that day comes though (which is further away than I think I'll be alive for) I will enjoy this game and make the most of the most unbelievable MMO game anywhere! The only people I can see topping this game when it comes to online games is... Anet and NCSoft. That shouldn't surprise anyone! See y'all in-game and HAPPY HUNTING and SURVIVING!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

Primary Character: Herbal Nine
Playing style: Any


Herbal focuses his skills in direct bow damage and healing, and is a very useful member of PvE parties and has pulled countless teams back from the brink with resurect.

Im a team player who enjoys all aspects of Guild Wars, and as Herbal will probably be a lone ranger (pun not intended) for quite a while im sure he would be happy to join any hunting parties or PvP builds you might have in mind



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

I have a few characters:

Corayo Raumoheru: was orriginaly a monk and through some evolution (no martial arts) i made him a warrior/monk. i think i am going to have him be a warrior/ranger this round due to lack of energy on the warrior side.

Sniper: Ranger/Monk. sits in the back with a bow healing allies.

Malus Hellfire: Elementalist/Monk. Sits in the back healing allies while buring enemies.

Striker Shardale

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2005

Twin Cities, Minnesota

Serious Gaming -SG-


Striker Shardale: Ranger/Necro

He is meant for PVE but I use him for PVP matches as well. Actually, at the end of the beta, he had been in about 15 matches and lost 2 of them. At the end of the beta weekend he was LVL 12. I think he is also the only black ranger in Guild Wars so far.

Anything else you need?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2005

Well, I started to finalize my character builds this weekend, so heres my info. If anyone wants to group up for some PvE or PvP just send me a tell and I will be more than happy to tag along!

Lord Virtuoso, E/N
Legaci Detour, M/W
Virtuoso Detour, Undecided


Thy Shadow Wolf

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005

Erie, PA


Right Now, I have planed for the release

Thy Shadow Wolf N/R
-Focuses on Death Magic and Marksmanship
-Hasn't Done any PvP yet but wants to
-Always willing to take up an offer to go teaming



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005



Dobrin Gerd: Warrior/Mesmer lvl 8ish
Lorgan Julin: Ranger/Elementalist lvl 7ish
i really havnt tried leveling up so much as i have tried finding out what class combinations is most fun. i have almost 0 experience in pvp but i hope to get into some of it once i manage to stick with a character for 2 weeks!

Caridwyn Lightfoot

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2005

Name: Caridwyn Lightfoot
Profession: Ranger
Play Style: mostly PvE

This is my husband's info:
Name: Tumas Pirenia
Profession: Warrior/Monk
Play Style: PvE

And, last but not least, my friend's info (she asked me to post):
Name: Rowan Aillil
Profession: Elementalist
Play Style: mostly PvE, some PvP



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005


Crimson ScS


Manderlock The Rage

will mostly be playing pve and owning people in arena until my friends can get good enough to play gvg.

hamer sunburst

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

In game name:

Hamer Sunburst - Not sure w. the main character will be yet, leaning towards W/E or R/E..

Play Style - PvE & PvP



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2005

New Zealand

The Obsidian Kings


Name: Meister Blitzkrieg

Profile: Necromancer/Ranger. I also have a guild DeL who I am looking into placing into some PvP battles, but mostly play PvE right now.

Style: PvE atm, but want to get my guild into PvP.

Vladimir Dragos

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2005

Oregon, USA

Vladimir Dragos: Necromancer/Ranger

Damian Bathory: Warrior/Ranger

Den Sirak: Warrior/Necromancer

All builds potentially subject to change, but Vlad will *always* be a Necromancer as primary. I almost always play PvE, and tend to play alone or with guild-mates. As for the Guild, we were once the Warriors of Artemis, but I don't know if that Guild will be reformed when the game goes Live. If it does, that's where I'll be.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005

San Francisco, CA Custom Title: Ninja Filmmaker

Agony Guild [Agny]


Didn't we already have a character name list thread here?

Reiah Tsak
Aether Dunbarrin
Naruto Uzumaki
Monty Python

Oh well.
-- Scaper-X


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005

Name: Dub Deathbringer
Class:Nec/warrior = Death knight
will be playing PvE until get the hang of the game and skills then guild will be mostly PvP

Friends name-may change
Name: Leroy Green
Class:Warrior / Monk = Warrior of Light
Will be playing PvE until he gets the hang of thangs this will be his frist MMO, then Guild will be mostly RpG

Name: Ry Ranhold
Class elementalist / warrior = Warrior of the Flame
Same Pve and Pvp

Name:Marvalous Matt(sp) he spells wierd
Class: Ranger / Mes = I have no idea


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005


and my PVP is


i used to play necromancer in D2 but nothing interests me about them anymore... the only thing i would like would like to have is a health steal attack..

if anyone is interested in ganging up on some quests etc
u can email me at
[email protected] or msn..


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

game name
Lucifer Atazoth El/Me Super NUKE
Lilith Atazoth undecided

PvP or PvE

Wrath of m0o

Wrath of m0o

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

Boston Ma.

Is That Your Build[HaHa]


in game Wrath of moo
IM = Wrath of m0o

cant use #'s as letters in GW's

Prefers = Dancing Naked by Firelight



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005

Spencerport, NY

Guild Wars Team Play


In-Game name is foamy squirl

I am a necromancer



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005


Charter Vanguard [CV]


Ingame Name: Ezra Crack (haha guitarist for Leftover Crack, if you know who they are)
Build: Necromancer/Monk (secodary subject to change)

Other Ingame Name: Atom Action
Build: Smiting Monk/Warrior

Style: PvE (for right now...)


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005


Brungo of Veeshan


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2005

New Jersey

Red Fang


Name: Shandris Rudbich

I mainly PvE allthough I do want to get into PvP when i'm good and ready for it.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005


N/A atm

Main : Name : Evil Executioner W/Mo
PvP : Name : Umber Hulk W/Mo



Elite Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005


Beguine Guild [BGN]

Hmm. I just noticed this thread doesn't really belong in the "Site Feedback" forum. Well, the very first post did, as it merely suggested we create a "Phone Book" on this site, but since then the thread has moved on from being a suggestion for the site -- instead the thread has actually become the requested feature!

Given that, I was just about to move this thread to Riverside Inn, the Community forum, which is really where it ought to be, but then I noticed it's only had two posts to it since beta. So instead, I'm just going to close this thread, for two reasons:

(1) I'm not certain if there's any real need or desire for this thread anymore, particularly now that people can add character names to their profiles by going to the User Control-Panel.

(2) Even if a GWG "Phone Book" is still desirable, since most of the posts in this particular thread are from beta, prior to the release wipe, it probably contains a large number of bogus entries at this point for character and even players who no longer exist or play, so even if we still want a thread like this, it'd probably be best to start with a fresh new thread anyhow.

For those two reasons, I don't think the thread should be moved, rather simply closed, and possibly restarted in the appropriate forum if it is still desired.