Hello, i'm writting this post, hopefully, to get enlighted about this matter, and another, but i didn't wanted to make the post name even more longer, well, let's get into the my main, question, what is the difference between the insanely expensive armor set of the granite citadel and the armor set you get at deldrimor's forge? because, i saw no one, and honestly, don't take me wrong, save for the dragon fahsioned armor, i didn't saw so many differences between one plate armor set, and another (15k one and 1,5k one), so, if someone can tell me what's the point for this, i'll be greatly thanked, well my another "urgent" question, is:
how does damage absortion works?
with this i mean, if you get all the full set with damage absortion, does the effects of each piece stack with the other ones? and, what's the difference of having 80 armor + damage absortion +10 phisycal attacks, and 85 armor + 10 physical attacks?(yes i see the 5 armor points difference but sill don't get the main idea of how the armor works out, if it does soak spell damage, skill damage etc etc etc.)
thanks for your time reading the post.
(P.S: if there are any terrorific grammar errors please excuseme, :P i'm not native at all)
what are the Differences between 15k armor set, and the 1,5k set?
Looks, thats it looks.
Both of your questions have already been answered numerous times. You can find these and other answers through the wonder of "SEARCH" 
However, i'll answer them one more time for good measure
#1 - There are no differences except for appearance. The 15K armor is simply a status symbol / way to brag
#2 - currently your second question is being debated. Some say that a single piece is all that is required and that having multiple pieces doesn't improve this. Others say that because of locational damage, you'ld need a piece on each area of your body to get the proper effect. You can find threads on this else where in the forum.

However, i'll answer them one more time for good measure
#1 - There are no differences except for appearance. The 15K armor is simply a status symbol / way to brag
#2 - currently your second question is being debated. Some say that a single piece is all that is required and that having multiple pieces doesn't improve this. Others say that because of locational damage, you'ld need a piece on each area of your body to get the proper effect. You can find threads on this else where in the forum.
duh... i beg excuses to you all, didn't wanted to spam the forum, took note of those treads, and i will monitorize them, sorry, and please if someone avaible to do it, just delete this useless tread, i don't want to cap space in the server!

This is a massive site, you're not going to cap space in the forum. Think or research before you post. The only headache is the lack of intelligence.
Darkest Dawn
I am glad you asked! I didn't know, but do now! Thanks!