Choas Sword?
Well i was wondering if there was a glowign sword out there, because i like the choas axes look, but i guess the sword equilent is the dragon sword, btw i use to like that sword, but there are just to many peeps out there with it just looks normal, but the glowing weapons look cool, i even saw a glowing bow today first i have seen. if there isnt as glowing axe then what is there? and why haven the dev's made a sword like this....
nope, the bow is a storm bow. the special swords are fellblade, crystaline sword, and dragon sword.
Dirt Merchent
Where do you find crystalline swords at.
If they made a sword like that Lucas Arts would sue them =P. Ask your self how many times have you seen big glowing sword like chaos axe that wasn't a lightsaber