WTS half moon bow of enchanting
15-27 Piercing (Req 8 Marks)
+13% Echanting time
Damage + 20% NO CONDITIONS!
My IGN is Spirit Waterfly if your genuinely interested i will be online in 2 hours time!
(Comes with free ebon bow string)
SOLD 450k
Selling Bow
Spirit Firefly
If those are the correct stats, 100k + Superior Vigor.
heh...I thought 15% was max you could have Without Conditions. If what you say is true, and it isnt a customized bow, then 100K+ 2 Superior Vigors.
the hell
100k + 2 sup vigor and a major vigor
100k + 2 sup vigor and a major vigor
300K (specifics later..) . I am not going any further until I see a pic.
If this isn't your thread, and if the poster didn't ask for comments, don't give them. *Deletes a bunch of posts.*
Hes selling an item, so you cast your bid only.
Hes selling an item, so you cast your bid only.