Originally Posted by Night
Actually you just answered your own question. See number 3 here and your above post describing how it changes when you switch to your other char.
I'll do my best to see if I can help you but in the end, sometimes perception is reality. Anyway first things first. I highly doubt that the coders for ANET would hardcode something like "if Class=Ranger && SubClass = Mesmer then Rand_Number=(rand()%32) else Random_Number (rand()%6);" doesn't make sense although it's possible that through coding that an adverse affect on certain variable has thrown off the counts or drops rather. There is nothing that states that you are guaranteed 1/6th of all drops. For instance flip a coin. Let's say you get heads the first toss so 50/50 odds means that the next will be tails, right? Nope no guarantee as each toss is it's own individual event meaning that this toss has no corelation with the first toss. You could toss the same coin 10 times and get all heads or all tails. 50% or 1 in 2 simply means for that and only that toss, you have a 1 in 2 chance of getting heads or tails. What should see over a period of many tosses that the number fall in the 50% heads and 50% tails category but even that may be off until you hit large numbers like in the thousands. It could be very well that between all of your chars you simply balancing out the approx. 1/6 (depending on where you fall as far party make up). It just appears that when you hit your Ranger, you get the short end of the stick. The only way you possibly test the true randomness would be to 1) run the same area with each character. 2) attempt solo then attempt with the same grouping of henchmem 3) Repeat it numerous times like several hundred per char. Yes to truly be able to tell whether or not there is randomness, you have to do hundreds if not thousands of runs. Again keep in mind what random and what odds mean. Odds/Randomness doesn't mean that you are guaranteed anything, it simply means that on the drop that is occurring right then you have 1 in 6 shot (if in a party of that size) of getting loot. This could also be compounded if no drop is selected as that is an event as well. Run the above test and see. You could be right that there is a bug that somehow keeps the particular class combo you have selected from getting the same share but I find it very unlikely. The reason why is that item generation and loot sharing is a function that has been around game programming since the inception of treasure/loot and drops, kind of like case statements or for loops and by now I am relatively certain that any issues that may have arised such as coding that causes adverse issues would have been discovered and corrected but who knows. Humans are the ones doing the coding so maybe someone did some sloppy coding. |
I also doubt that Guild Wars was coded in Basis lol