So what is the max bonus i can have? Can i have 5xSuperior rune and have +15 bonus or?
Thank you very much.
Do runes stack?
Algren Cole
no. runes don't stack
you can have one type of rune per outfit. So you can say have one superior rune for a +3 bonus, but any other of the same type of run just disappears
That said, you can have multiple runes of different types, so you can have a fire rune, a vigor rune and a water rune on an outfit, each giving you a seperate bonus.
That said, you can have multiple runes of different types, so you can have a fire rune, a vigor rune and a water rune on an outfit, each giving you a seperate bonus.
Night Daftshadow
Also, when you buy an armor that has +1 of any one of your skills, you can use only one minor, major, or superior rune to have the same bonus as the +1 armor. For example, let say you're a Mesmer, your mask have +1 illusion, chest have minor illusion rune, gloves have minor illusion rune, leggings have vigor rune. You'll think, "oh, I have 3 illusion bonuses with +1 effect, so therefore I will have +3 for illusion skill." Wrong. You'll only have +2 bonus for illusion. The other minor illusion rune will not stack. If it was a major or superior illusion, that will replace the minor.