The Aggro thing has already been it really stupid right now, every time i face ettins or any type of monster for that matter, they attempt to go straight for the healer. maybe have SOME monsters actually have aggro, and some other monsters (like the normal grawls in pre-sear) not have aggro at all unless you well add a few more non-grouped eenmeis to post-searing, because it is pointless that you can't pull enemies or anything after pre-searing, it will just pull the entire group.
And last is melee damage that you take from a distance, and by this i mean, when you are low on health and attempt to run to a safe distance you still manage to get hit by melee hits that don't even hit you, if the monster is following you and takes a swipe and it doesnt look like it hit you...THEN IT SHOULDNT, it is retarded trying to escape from ettins with a new characters when i look behind me and he is at least 5 feet away hitting me with "irresistable blow"
a.)fix aggrovation of certain enemies, as well as change the target AFTER aggro (unless the healer is the one who aggroed the group, then they should go for the person who did....if the healer aggors, then the healer deserves to die :P)
b.)make it possible that you can actually run from a battle without getting wasted.
Adding a move/attack would be a helpful addition, where when you are walking you can simply attack whenever you want. I have seen this done when in other mmorpgs, where when using keyboard mode you use "Left-Mouse" to attack, holding it down provides the attack combo, and while using mouse-mode movement, you use the "action" button (default spacebar) to use your attack, so in other words you can move and attack at teh same time (this would work for monsters too...if the monster is directly behind you and takes a swipe while moving it will LOOK like it hit and thus it would hit you, you can do the same for monsters as well as use the technique for grouping non-grouped monsters (you run past one and take a slash, kep runnign and repeat for 3 other monsters then run around and group them together, then stop and attack all 4...and with my suggestion for have two-handed weapons able to hit multiple targets, this would work nicely)
Aggro and Distance Melee Damage
Chronos the Defiler
Some of this could be lag... but then again I have a great internet connection and I constantly die due to 5 feet away melee attack bug!
Its annoying as heck.
Its annoying as heck.
Do you even know what 'agro' is? The reason they go after your healers and mages first is because they are the easiest to kill and usually are more useful to the team.
Its not a coincidence. The mobs' AI are set to act this way. What are you supposed to do if you're one of these classes? Run around (not provoking other mobs) until they stop following you and go to one of your teammates while your teammates are attacking the beasts. That is, if you're too weak to kill them by yourself.
Don't complain about the game being more intelligent than you are.
And you can run from battle, there are techniques to do so. (Dodge, Sprint, Imagined Burden, Bane Signet.. etc.etc.) Some monsters are faster than others and if you're trying to run from them when the rest of your team is dead... well then you deserve to die quite frankly.
Its not a coincidence. The mobs' AI are set to act this way. What are you supposed to do if you're one of these classes? Run around (not provoking other mobs) until they stop following you and go to one of your teammates while your teammates are attacking the beasts. That is, if you're too weak to kill them by yourself.
Don't complain about the game being more intelligent than you are.
And you can run from battle, there are techniques to do so. (Dodge, Sprint, Imagined Burden, Bane Signet.. etc.etc.) Some monsters are faster than others and if you're trying to run from them when the rest of your team is dead... well then you deserve to die quite frankly.
Originally Posted by Chronos the Defiler
A: as well add a few more non-grouped eenmeis to post-searing, because it is pointless that you can't pull enemies or anything after pre-searing, it will just pull the entire group.
B: and with my suggestion for have two-handed weapons able to hit multiple targets, this would work nicely) |
A: This is the whole concept of mobs. Enemies travel together
B: You think that bows should hit multiple targets? There are several 2 handed weapons that this would be nonsense.