For those people who are doing the missions and playing the game, the rewards are drops. Each area has a cost/drop ratio, and people who farm look for areas where the cost is low and the drop is high. This gives those players who are "into the grind" an advantage from casual players who follow the quests, etc. Arena Net takes great care to balance out areas; a change like this would help since it dynamically changes the cost/drop ratio after the Nth visit to an area. In effect, it would make farming far less attractive. IMHO, this would help balance the game.
(more explanation added after some of the comments below)
I'm not saying that they shouldn't _increase_ the drop rate for major/superior runes. I'm suggesting a method for limiting farming. There is a difference. What I'm saying is that finding an "area" to exploit for a few hours, days or weeks, and then shutting the "area" down isn't fair to those that have not exploited the area (while it was still farmable).
I wouldn't care if other people farm if they didn't "nerf" the areas. I'm proposing a alternative, more fair, across-the-board nerf mechanism. In this proposal, if one area is "easy", and people get 3 gold items from it; then later players can get 3 gold. That's all.
I've played many many days (but not farmed) and I've yet to see a good weapon I'd use, and I've only unlocked minor runes. This is a problem, yes. And it should be addressed. However, this is not the problem I'm addressing with this proposal. What I'm addressing is the inherit unfairness that person X and Y who farm area A on Monday get 5 gold, but after a nerf on Tuesday, person X only gets 1 purple -- with the same time spent. That's not fair. It's not fair that person X who reads the web pages and talks to his guild members about best "farming" places gets an advantage over someone else who spends as much time playing (and thinking).
Farming isn't about skill, it's about knowing where and investing a ton of time. It's grind. Seeing people with all of those Runes on them makes people at Arena Net want to further _restrict_ drops, not increase them. If you arn't farming, this increases _your_ grind; if you are farming, you're already grinding. For those that want to see the drop rate go up, you should be for my proposal, not against it.
Farming doesn't lower prices, it creates wealth differences that bleed over into PvP combat. The best way to level prices is to have auctions. Removing farming won't necessarly cause prices to go up; you are assuming that the overall drop rate would go down across the entire marketplace. This assumption need not be true -- indeed, it might be false depending on how the change were implemented.
Originally Posted by Lasher Dragon
Make it so you really shouldn't HAVE to farm, and if you do farm it will autonerf that farm spot for you without globally nerfing that spot. Is that what you mean?