minor/major/superior of each, msg with price.
send pm on here with IGN.
IGN: Cyber Fuzz
WTB Monk Rune, Healing/Smite/Divine
Timeless Logic
i have 3 major smiting prayers, 1 major divine favor and 1 superior smiting prayers for sale for those prices.
IGN: Trial Unconquered
IGN: Trial Unconquered
Eskimo Bob
I have superior divine favor, and 1 unid monk major.
you can find them in this thread.
you can find them in this thread.
I have minors in healing and smiting. 500 gold for the pair.
I have a few here:
Mj Is Scary
I have a superior healing run
Pm me Mr Sister Fister
Pm me Mr Sister Fister
Magnus Turan
I have a minor rune of divine favour.
IGN: Magnus Turan
IGN: Magnus Turan
Ming Ming Chopper
I have these http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...ad.php?t=19679
and all minors IGN Ming Ming Chopper or Healing Chopper
and all minors IGN Ming Ming Chopper or Healing Chopper