Let me start by saying I love Guild Wars. I have played other MMOs and they don't give me the calibur of gaming experience that I enjoy from Guild Wars. Its fast paced, no bs, fun. You hop on and you can instantly start doing whatever you want to get done (with very little exception). I loved playing through the story (although I thought it got a little typical fantasy or cheesy at times). Now I am at the high end of the game (or so I think) where you hit up The Underworld or Fissure of Woe, or you might start PvP with your char (appropriate for all stages). I still love the game, but I am going to throw out a few ideas to see if people agree, think we don't need them, or think they won't fix the problem (try to fit your feedback into one of these).
1) I have been disappointed by UW and Fissure drops. I cleared the whole place out (with a lot of help) and I walked away with 1 chaos axe ( and 2pp ish). No one in my group got any crazy drops. I know that people get crazy good items daily, but for most of us it seems too rare. Up til this point I never felt the need to farm for an item, but now I am using a normal Holy Staff that I just added a staff head and wrappings to. Its nice, but I want to PvP with my RPG char. I will tell you why now. I bought the 15K armor (lets not argue over whether this is a mistake or not, we all know the truth) and now I want to lord it over others (strut my stuff). I figure I payed enough for it to use it, but my weapon doesn't hold a feather to the instant gratification of a PvP staff. That stuff DOES drop, but again it is so ridiculously rare (for most of us) that I am never going to get my hands on one. Let me have my cake and eat it too.
2) Add collectors to UW and\or Fissure. Ok this one makes a little less sense but if you don't want to up the drop rate of rare items then let me put my stack of 20 dark remains to good use. Let me trade them to a collector for a item comparable to PvP stuff.
3) Extended Maintained Spell Window- This one takes some explaining. We all have the little window that lists maintained enchantments we are ... maintaining. What if we took this a step further and used it as an indication of what effects we put on others.
Example: I start off a fight by throwing Aegis on party. I then do a Shield of Deflection on the Ele or Nec that decided that it was their turn to tank. I then throw a Guardian on a tank. Now thats a lot of confusing countdowns. Most of the time I don't know when SoD has worn off and its time to throw more protection or what. I want a visual cue of when these spells wear off. I know I get a visual cue from Aegis (because it affects me) but I want it from them all.
4) A Promote button. A button that the party leader can press to make someone leader, or move them up the list. I feel so spoiled (I am) when I say I don't want to be party leader then quit the party then ask someone to reinvite me.
5) More Storage Space - 4 char slots isn't a ton. I don't want to spend one on a mule (or more than one for sure). So maybe a little more storage? or a lot more storage?
6) "Fire Staff (req 10 Fire Magic) - Improves Healing Prayers +1 (chance 10 %)" (always seems to be Water Magic, Healing Prayers, or Blood Magic) MUST go! I am sick of these things. I wanted something like this as a bonus on my Holy Staff but I keep getting "Holy Staff (req. 10 Divine Favor) - Improves Skill Recharge on Water Magic (10 %)". I curse loudly in real life. That upsets everyone. These kinds of items are useless to 97 % of us. I know its asking a lot, but maybe can the +1 automatically be assigned to the req. for the item. Or why can't you omit the qualifier and make it "Holy Staff (req. 10) - Improves Skill Recharge (10%)", sure thats not the same item but most of the time when you put 10 into a stat you are mostly using THAT stat. Am I wrong? Is there an important reason why I must waste hours and hours to get something a player or , lord forbid, I would use?
Ok, thats all the ranting I can do for now. Please specify which #s you either agree on, think they won't solve the problem, or think there isn't a problem to solve.
Edit: Clarifying on #4. Promote Button idea applies to parties. I know you can do it within a guild setting but I want the same freedom for your party\ group.
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hmm stupid inflation is killing the game. c now its gona be about poor people and rich people sorta like d2 sometime...
yeah sigils are going crazy at 90k now... i managed to buy mine at 75k... but 3 weeks ago b4 i bought mine... sigils were going for 35k or so... it's been 3 weeks and the price of things has tripled... runes of superior vigor go for 90k+ gold now... item costs should go down but u can't really do anything about players selling things for high prices... i sell things for lower prices to try to lessen the gap but on the same note... u have to sell them at a high price so u can buy that really cool bow for 40k gold! when i bought my max damage bow it was 350 gold! now... what people want for a max damage normal bow is like 2.5k gold!!!... i wonder if a lockdown of high item drops would be possible for a while... then hopefully when they appear again, people sell them for lower prices! but yeah bottom line... inflation is a huge issue right now
Gs-Cyan Bloodbane
Yoshi longer then that. The sigil havn't been below 40k since the first week or two of the game being live.
It will slowly drop down again now that there is a little more flow of sigils into the game but there is still simply too many people wanting halls.
It will slowly drop down again now that there is a little more flow of sigils into the game but there is still simply too many people wanting halls.
Yeah, and as soon as it becomes easier to buy sigils, thus make guild halls, more people are going to make guilds for themselves to prove to no one that they can purchase a hall all on there own. I really don't think there's going to be an end to the sigil pricing until everyone who wants a guild has one...which may take years...and years....and years...and by then GW 2 will be out hopefully (this assumes GW 1 has ran out of xpac ideas by then, and has moved on to #2 like EQ finally did)
#4 Promote Button
There is a promote button. You can click on the icon next to a guild member and promote them to officer or guild leader. I believe if you promote them to guild leader, then you get knocked down to member.
#5 More storage space
I'd like storage space too, and this is something that's been covered in many ways in many threads.
#6 Those annoying weird modifiers
I agree - get rid of them.
There is a promote button. You can click on the icon next to a guild member and promote them to officer or guild leader. I believe if you promote them to guild leader, then you get knocked down to member.
#5 More storage space
I'd like storage space too, and this is something that's been covered in many ways in many threads.
#6 Those annoying weird modifiers
I agree - get rid of them.
With the latest patches some of this stuff has been cleared up. There are now collectors that have items available that are on par with PvP items. So 1 and 2 are now fixed. No word on 3 4 or 5 though. I still believe in 6 but if I can get weapons that are good from collectors then I guess having a ton of vendor fodder isn't so bad. So I am happy.
1) Why should you be guaranteed hyper-powerful super-rare items for having eight people collectively shell out one plat? The Underworld and Fissure are Not That Freaking Hard for anyone who has done the final missions of the game. If anything they are on par with and in some cases easier than those missions. Rare items are just that: rare! It *should* take you months to find that perfect rare uber transleucent holy staff of rocktacular healing +12 with bonuses to Power Word Kill and air magic.
2) Salvage them.
3) Part of the skill in being a buffer/debuffer is mentally keeping track of how enchantments stack, how long your enchantments last, how long others' last, paying attention to hexes to see how long opponents' last, and keeping track of who is rending/stripping/shattering/ritualing buffs and debuffs away. Each player can control click his effects to announce them, which many groups do to announce when enchants are falling or hexes are put up. I like that enchantments (which are generally more powerful than instant-effect spells) are somewhat harder to manage.
4) Agreed, completely. Ignore the guy who thought you meant "guild" by "party".
5) This should stay how it is. It keeps the number of rare items (including runes, dyes, and crafting materials) in play relatively low. People can't come by 50 rare items and keep them all...they *must* salvage, sell, trade, or give some away. This keeps our economy relatively stable (not to mention ensures those who want more storage will financially support Guild Wars by paying for another account, ensuring we all get to enjoy the game longer).
6) Some people actually use both healing and fire magic. Just because you don't doesn't mean all drops need to conform to your build.
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2) Salvage them.
3) Part of the skill in being a buffer/debuffer is mentally keeping track of how enchantments stack, how long your enchantments last, how long others' last, paying attention to hexes to see how long opponents' last, and keeping track of who is rending/stripping/shattering/ritualing buffs and debuffs away. Each player can control click his effects to announce them, which many groups do to announce when enchants are falling or hexes are put up. I like that enchantments (which are generally more powerful than instant-effect spells) are somewhat harder to manage.
4) Agreed, completely. Ignore the guy who thought you meant "guild" by "party".
5) This should stay how it is. It keeps the number of rare items (including runes, dyes, and crafting materials) in play relatively low. People can't come by 50 rare items and keep them all...they *must* salvage, sell, trade, or give some away. This keeps our economy relatively stable (not to mention ensures those who want more storage will financially support Guild Wars by paying for another account, ensuring we all get to enjoy the game longer).
6) Some people actually use both healing and fire magic. Just because you don't doesn't mean all drops need to conform to your build.
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