Mr. Dawg
wouldn't it be handy if your character automatically moved on to attacking the next enemy (in close proximity to the last) when the currently targeted one is killed, or unable to be hit (if something's in the way). that would save on misclicking and not being able to target. just a thought, any opinions?
yes yes yes!!! I sometimes AFK when I'm not in a town, and even if it's for only a minute it could mean death. I would like it if there was a togglable "aggro" button that would auto target the closest enemy and attack when within range.
I realize this isn't what you mean, and so on the OP: I actually like the "your view of the target is obstructed" thing, because that reminds me of the importance of the environment and makes me feel more in the game. I do like the auto-target when target is dead idea (toggleable) though.
A related addition, I would like it to be for option when casting a spell that has a longer cast time. If the target dies during casting I want sometimes to continue to cast and throw the missile. My damage is all splash and I usually use it against groups. If the one that I happen to be targetting gets taken out, my energy is still used but the missile doesn't fire, I want to follow through and fire. I realize that this could mean waiting for the cooldown if my target is standing alone, but if I was using a splash dmg spell on a lone target then cooldown isn't an issue anyway.
I realize this isn't what you mean, and so on the OP: I actually like the "your view of the target is obstructed" thing, because that reminds me of the importance of the environment and makes me feel more in the game. I do like the auto-target when target is dead idea (toggleable) though.
A related addition, I would like it to be for option when casting a spell that has a longer cast time. If the target dies during casting I want sometimes to continue to cast and throw the missile. My damage is all splash and I usually use it against groups. If the one that I happen to be targetting gets taken out, my energy is still used but the missile doesn't fire, I want to follow through and fire. I realize that this could mean waiting for the cooldown if my target is standing alone, but if I was using a splash dmg spell on a lone target then cooldown isn't an issue anyway.
Oh god man, just go to a safer place, be afk for a sec and come back. This way, if u're lvl 20, u could finish missions without even doing anything.
And I dont wanna stand there, thinking of a plan with my fellow party members, and suddenly I rush off to kill ppl. In my opinion the game becomes less interactive, and boring.
And I dont wanna stand there, thinking of a plan with my fellow party members, and suddenly I rush off to kill ppl. In my opinion the game becomes less interactive, and boring.
Oh, I wouldn't want my character running around attacking everything in sight lol.
However, maybe if you're standing around and a monster comes to YOU, then have your character get into some sort of defend mode, where it auto-attacks the first monster that hits it.
However, maybe if you're standing around and a monster comes to YOU, then have your character get into some sort of defend mode, where it auto-attacks the first monster that hits it.
How about hitting the tab keyas it cycles through targets when enaged with enemies and they have just died? Granted sometimes it selects a far off monster but for the most part it takes about 1/10 th of sec and if you char dies in that time, auto-attack isn't going to help either
Mr. Dawg
galatea and rhombus, i dont mean running around attacking everything in sight, i mean if you're already attacking, with a few enemies around you, and one is killed, your character moves onto the next one, as long as theyre within a certain range (pretty close). attacking everything in sight would be pretty silly...
If you just hit "C", it targest the closest monster, which is often the one you want to attack anyway.
That said, what I would find *most* helpful in this area is something analogous to "attack-move" from RTS games -- a form of movement command where if you end up in range of an enemy, you attack it instead of continuing the move.
This is MOSTLY because my less than perfect hand eye coordination doesn't always find it easy to target enemy monsters (yes, even while holding Control), especially when they are moving. This would let me click NEAR an enemy and still attack him. That's the end goal. (It should also work for ranged characters, mostly, which is nice.)
That said, what I would find *most* helpful in this area is something analogous to "attack-move" from RTS games -- a form of movement command where if you end up in range of an enemy, you attack it instead of continuing the move.
This is MOSTLY because my less than perfect hand eye coordination doesn't always find it easy to target enemy monsters (yes, even while holding Control), especially when they are moving. This would let me click NEAR an enemy and still attack him. That's the end goal. (It should also work for ranged characters, mostly, which is nice.)
ONLY if it was somethign you could turn on and off. Only if they were within sensing range, or attacked you first (no sense in whacking those little critters that don't attack you if you don't attack them). It's one of those auto-program things that should, in all honesty, be programmed into npc's first, where you can tell them what sort of tactics you want to use heh.
There are too many instances where attacking the closest enemy isn't practical. Examples are defending your healers and archers from attack, drawing smaller roving parties out from larger groups to preven the larger group from being alerted, etc.etc. Auto attack would take the fun and strategy completely out of the game. Besides, too many players are already on auto attack, and the end result is reviving them when the battle is over.
Auto-attack: [C] [<space>] (repeat until all enemies dead)