Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
I saw a guy selling these things in Ascalon City for 200g a pop. Didn't buy one but I took a screenshot...
I've never seen them before. The guy was claiming you get your character drunk with them. The more you use the greater the effect.
Is this some sort of scam with a name hacking tool or something?
Hunter's Ale?
Swampgirl Inez
You can get the ale in pre-searing and it will make your monitor fuzzy. There's no other use for them that I know about, so you can pay the 200 if you want to have some fun.
Where/how do you get them?
Swampgirl Inez
SW of Fort Ranik, I think in Regent Valley is a group of guys standing aroud singing drinking songs and bragging about bears. They'll give you a quest to kill a bear in less than 3 minutes and then give you the ale to drink with them. If you do this twice in a row, they will start singing about you.
Hilarious.. makes me want to re-roll a character just so I can check that out.
They're from some pre-searing miniquest in the middle of some forest where ther are abundant spiders. It doesn't even get added to your quest log. A bunch of drunks challenge you to kill more bears than their leader. Sorry, can't really remember anything more specific than that.
On a side note, when I drank the booze that they gave me, I noticed absolutely no effect at all.
On a side note, when I drank the booze that they gave me, I noticed absolutely no effect at all.
Swampgirl Inez
Here's the fuzzy screen and them singing about me.
Originally Posted by Swampgirl Inez
Here's the fuzzy screen and them singing about me.
I don't see much difference between fuzzy and non-fuzzy.. maybe it's better noticed when animated..
Swampgirl Inez
Yeah, it took me a second to see it to. When animated, the screen also moves subtley...kinda like in the logon screen, you can watch the camera angle move a little bit.
I suppose one easy way to explain what it's like is as follows.
You know when a flag blows softly in the wind and has a ripple effect going through it, that's what it looks like, but a lot slower and the ripples are more tightly together.
It's fun, but that's about it as far as I know.
The alternative, and this is for the over age drinkers only. Drink plenty of whatever is your favourite drink and play the game, and watch the screen move about.
You know when a flag blows softly in the wind and has a ripple effect going through it, that's what it looks like, but a lot slower and the ripples are more tightly together.
It's fun, but that's about it as far as I know.
The alternative, and this is for the over age drinkers only. Drink plenty of whatever is your favourite drink and play the game, and watch the screen move about.