Anyone know how much this is worth?
PC on Flame Artifact
Tyrent Frath
idk if youre selling but i offer 10k
(not sure how much its worth but would like to have it.)
(not sure how much its worth but would like to have it.)
well i was planning to keep it but... 10k is like 5x my cash + equipment alltogether lol i'll think about it
Tyrent Frath
thanks, are you an elem btw? because i have lots of runes you might like as well
yea but if i sell that i'm gonna work on another character instead im not sure i should sell it right now...
Tyrent Frath
if you decide anytime soon, my IGN is Fyren Trath
I can go a little higher but not much, plz contact me soon.
I can go a little higher but not much, plz contact me soon.
Ilya Khan
If I were you, I would take that offer. Its a good deal for you!
tyrent... could we make a deal with a few items? i think i need that more since i just started... i'll talk to u when i get on
char = aidan reborn
char = aidan reborn
Tyrent Frath
sure, i could give you my regular +12 energy item and some cash, maybe some runes if you want any of those things, ill be on in 10 minutes
gah i may not be on until later tonight but i will save the artifact for u (i'll be on a lot friday if i cant get to you today or tommorow)
(*cough* parents + exam time = *cough)*
(*cough* parents + exam time = *cough)*
Tyrent Frath
ok, ill be on all of tonight, i might be afk though. msg me when you get on.