Ok i have narrowed it down to three
Should I be a r/n r/ele or r/mon or r/mes
Originally Posted by jasonrunion
Should I be a r/n r/ele or r/mon or r/mes
Why not just try one out and if you don't like it start again. Each combination has its own strengths and weaknesses. It will mostly come down to how you like to play ...
Just a heads up. If you choose to be a Ranger, you're going to have a hard time finding a party later in the game or in PvP. Rangers aren't the strongest class IN MOST CASES. And most parties refuse to party with them due to it being a waste of space in the party. There are good rangers but they are extremely rare and every ranger I've partied with has been useless, if not sub useless (wastes my healing mana by trying to tank melee).
On the other hand, R/Me is a pretty good combo for anti caster / inturrupting.
On the other hand, R/Me is a pretty good combo for anti caster / inturrupting.
Ardus Shadowmane
Well, the one I would have warned you off of is a R/W which is what I inadvertantly went with. If you want to go with a more offensive character overall, Elementalist is probably going to be your best bet for pure offensive power. If you want a lot of minions, go with necro, raise a bunch of bone minions and sit back and watch the fun. If you're going more for a support character, take the R/Me or R/Mo, depending on the idea for you build. In any case good luck to you.
I have to say that the groups I've been with have appreciated me, but it seems I also end up being the one in the group to suggest strategies. I know I play my Ranger well, but I do have to agree with wgregory87, they're not sought after too much due to the fact that hardly anyone can successfully play one.
I have to say that the groups I've been with have appreciated me, but it seems I also end up being the one in the group to suggest strategies. I know I play my Ranger well, but I do have to agree with wgregory87, they're not sought after too much due to the fact that hardly anyone can successfully play one.
My husband plays a R/E and quite frankly, he sucks. He always chooses a bow-wielder when he really should stick to meat shields.
Narrowed it down to three? It has only taken around 4 post on the same topic all made by you to find the answer for most it is still the same no doubt R/Me.