i believe there is a snow wolf if im correct.. anyone know where i can get it.. i know where to find the regular wolf and on that note.. any one want to help me charm one.. preferable snowwolf if possible this BWE comin up.
Originally Posted by Elonis
i believe there is a snow wolf if im correct.. anyone know where i can get it.. i know where to find the regular wolf and on that note.. any one want to help me charm one.. preferable snowwolf if possible this BWE comin up.
Is that how a ranger gets a pet?
Can it be done to any monster or just neutral wild animals?
Rushing Wind
Yes, charm (in the ranger term and skill) is how a ranger gains a pet. There are only a few given "neutral wild animals" that you can charm. It'd be pretty entertaining and enticing to try and "charm" any animal/monster out there... but we must fall back on there being a balance to all things.

i believe you can start picking them up at bolar pass (sp?) correct me if im wrong, dont have a ranger so never tried
Normal Wolves can't be tamed, only Snow Wolves. You can find them fairly easily by traveling through the various explorable areas in the Northern Shiverpeaks.
Originally Posted by Spooky
Normal Wolves can't be tamed, only Snow Wolves. You can find them fairly easily by traveling through the various explorable areas in the Northern Shiverpeaks.
I know that people have tamed bears, so i'm sure that people have tamed wolves as well - but the reason I say what I said, is that was not supposed to be happening. The fact that people have found ways around Charm Break (The skill description literally reads: Allows any non-pet animal to break a charm attempt.) means it isn't working properly .. the question, then, is if this gets fixed, or remains left in as a sort of "Pet class challenge."
Assuming it gets fixed, then come retail, there's going to be a lot of people who 'have heard' that you could get these pets (in beta) and wonder why they can't get them now. So for the sake of preventing future headaches and possible misinformation, it's easier to say that animals with green names are the ones that can be tamed .. as that's the way things are supposed to be.
Assuming it gets fixed, then come retail, there's going to be a lot of people who 'have heard' that you could get these pets (in beta) and wonder why they can't get them now. So for the sake of preventing future headaches and possible misinformation, it's easier to say that animals with green names are the ones that can be tamed .. as that's the way things are supposed to be.
well thats a little bit more helpful
thanks spooky but even though u can get a wolf or bear i want the snow wolf. thought i guess it will be a little while into the next BWe till i hit shiverpeaks.
also those who have pets lose them at release or do they get set to lvl 1 basics like the players, assuming we are given charm animal as a skill or are all teh skills going to be wiped as is like makeing a new character? i dont see the harm in keeping a skill like charm pet that is only 10 mins into the game for those who played in the beta

also those who have pets lose them at release or do they get set to lvl 1 basics like the players, assuming we are given charm animal as a skill or are all teh skills going to be wiped as is like makeing a new character? i dont see the harm in keeping a skill like charm pet that is only 10 mins into the game for those who played in the beta
I have seen the Snow Wolf up in the Shiverpeaks and will be dropping my Cat when I find a tamer, then I'll go and grab a Wolf.