Before anything, I'd love to say I absolutely love the idea of the Rune Trader and it made life much much easier to find those runes and not needing to squint my eyes as the faded pink text in the trade channel anymore. However, I easily see some major problems with the Rune Trader. Let me elaborate.
Problem 1:
I was walking around Lion's Arch today going to get myself another capture signet only to find my trade window getting flooded by vigor rune owners trying to boycott the system. I became a little curious and checked out the Rune Trader for myself and searched for the Vigors. I couldn't find them except for a few minors that got sold out very fast when I double clicked on them. So can we see the problem here? The biggest problem is, those superior runes will be boycotted in hopes that the desperate will have to buy from those traders for prices higher than they would have been sold to the Rune Trader for.
Solution to Problem 1:
There really isn't any real solution to it other than to make it so that the Rune Trader actually has an infinite amount of runes to sell for each type. This will stop the boycotters from using the Rune Trader since if the players wanted, they can just buy from the Rune Trader rather than from the scamming owners of these respective runes. Also: It was extremely frustrating for me when I double clicked on Major Fire Rune today only to have it being yanked away from under my nose by another buyer. I probably spent more time just standing at the Rune Trader closing and reopening the Rune Trader window just trying to find a Major Fire Rune. Took me a good ten minutes in order buy one. They appeared every now and then but like my first attempt, they were yanked away. So please, give the Rune Trader an endless supply of these runes to sell. It'll not only rid clogging up of the Rune Trader but it'll help get rid of the boycotting, too.
Problem 2:
I'm personally not a fan of standing around shouting out prices for how much I want to sell my Mesmer Rune of Major Illusion. Granted, I know it's worth more than 500 gold. When I went to plug in the major rune into the selling window, what did it offer me? 25 gold. That's it? Sorry, but I just sold the minor version of the very same thing for round 200 gold (rounded up). There's a mistake there in itself. This will not only cause people to spam prices for the runes more, but it'll make turn away players from selling to the Rune Trader in the long run making it nearly unnecessary.
Solution to Problem 2:
Make a set hierachial price range for the runes types. Minors should sell for 100 to 500 gold. Majors should sell for 500 to 5000 gold. Superiors should be anything from 5000 and up. I know this is probably too cheap to sell them for, but hey, it's better than selling that major rune for 25 gold. I'm holding onto mine for now because I know it's worth more than 25 and I personally think it's BS that its minor version sold for more. And if the endless supply of runes for the Rune Trader isn't implemented, this will at least promote players to actually dump their runes into the Rune Trader for money, hence giving a seemingly endless supply of runes.
Anyways, that's just my two cents. Whether or not this will be taken into consideration is completely up to ArenaNet, but it'd be nice to see some fixations towards the new Rune Trader.
Hopeful changes to the Rune Trader
Gs-Cyan Bloodbane
well right now the prices and availability on stuff like vigor is off becuase it is availabel to all and anyone with money and still needing one is buying it.
Its like the sigils, the day the trader opened the sigils shot up more then they had been going for but they have been slowly working thier way down.
Just wait a few weeks or a month and see how the prices and availability look then
Its like the sigils, the day the trader opened the sigils shot up more then they had been going for but they have been slowly working thier way down.
Just wait a few weeks or a month and see how the prices and availability look then
I made a thread for a bug list... The original intent was to only allow a person to buy skills that they personally have already unlocked... just like the PvP system... But at the moment it is allowing every rune to be purchased... So I think that will change pretty fast to preserve the PvP environment, or everyone will just buy the runes they need and never go looking for them to unlock them.
Sorry Forum mods... Can we merge these threads together? thanks...
Guildwars Rune Trader Bug List.
Sorry Forum mods... Can we merge these threads together? thanks...
Guildwars Rune Trader Bug List.
I actualy saw someone shout "I bought all major vigor runes from npc PM offer if you want one" in lion's arch. When i checked the rune trader, he was really out of major vigor. That's sad, people will probably do this with all popular runes.
I don't think ill ever buy runes from the trader tho. I like finding the stuff i need even if it take ages. But it is bad for people who don't want to spend 50hours looking for a rune just because someone bought them all from npc and now sell them for almost double the price.
I don't think ill ever buy runes from the trader tho. I like finding the stuff i need even if it take ages. But it is bad for people who don't want to spend 50hours looking for a rune just because someone bought them all from npc and now sell them for almost double the price.
People who buy up all runes of one type will drive up the price and hurt their wallet hard to get their 'monopoly', whereas people interested in such a rune can just sit on their hands and wait for new runes to pop up which they can buy at acceptable prices again, and all the expensive runes the person trying to start a monopoly bought will rapidly devaluate again. In essence, that person is burning up his own money.
Same reason why spending all your money to buy out black dye doesn't work. The price temporarily rises to reflect your mad purchase, the trader might temporarily run out, but the next day or week the black dye price will be back at decent levels, and you'll lose money on every dye you bought.
The NPC trader commission makes exhaustion supply an incredible waste of money, so soon enough those people won't have any money left to buy up runes for their monopoly, and nobody in their right mind will buy those runes from them in order to refuel their spending.
Same reason why spending all your money to buy out black dye doesn't work. The price temporarily rises to reflect your mad purchase, the trader might temporarily run out, but the next day or week the black dye price will be back at decent levels, and you'll lose money on every dye you bought.
The NPC trader commission makes exhaustion supply an incredible waste of money, so soon enough those people won't have any money left to buy up runes for their monopoly, and nobody in their right mind will buy those runes from them in order to refuel their spending.
Originally Posted by Silmor
People who buy up all runes of one type will drive up the price and hurt their wallet hard to get their 'monopoly', whereas people interested in such a rune can just sit on their hands and wait for new runes to pop up which they can buy at acceptable prices again, and all the expensive runes the person trying to start a monopoly bought will rapidly devaluate again. In essence, that person is burning up his own money.
Same reason why spending all your money to buy out black dye doesn't work. The price temporarily rises to reflect your mad purchase, the trader might temporarily run out, but the next day or week the black dye price will be back at decent levels, and you'll lose money on every dye you bought. The NPC trader commission makes exhaustion supply an incredible waste of money, so soon enough those people won't have any money left to buy up runes for their monopoly, and nobody in their right mind will buy those runes from them in order to refuel their spending. |

I'll just wait till new ones respawn, sod giving anyone like these people more cash then the trader sells them at.
Mercury Angel
Ha, 25 
You could get more ID'ing it and selling it to an NPC merchant.
I had the same issue with majors as well. Just goes to show how many people prefer minor over major given the option of either.

You could get more ID'ing it and selling it to an NPC merchant.
I had the same issue with majors as well. Just goes to show how many people prefer minor over major given the option of either.
All we need to do is wait a couple of days for the prices to settle. Everyone and their mother sold all their unsellable runes to the trader to drive the sell prices down. Im sure in a few days the prices will change and be closer to the prices that people were buying/selling before the update. So far i have sold 0 runes to the trader becuase i have a good feeling i will be able to get more later. 25gold for selling a superior beast matery, lol....