Game getting too boring...
Seriously, unlock all skills already. I can't enjoy PvP when every Tombs group wants different skills and boots me when I don't have them.
Originally Posted by gwden
Seriously, unlock all skills already. I can't enjoy PvP when every Tombs group wants different skills and boots me when I don't have them.
I have a feeling this thread gets the axe. *crosses fingers*
When I see threads like this, it makes me hopeful for the future of the game. It's only a matter of time before people like this leave the game to people who actually enjoy the game and how it is turning out. This game is a work in progress, and better than any other MMO-type game I've played up to this point. On top of that there is no monthly fee. If something like this is not for you, then hopefully sooner than later please move on to something else.
Keep the community forums free for constructive debate on the game... rather than destructive. Nobody in the community can do anything about your personal level of boredom, and your boredom has no place in my enjoyment of this game or reading this forum (since I don't post very often).
Keep the community forums free for constructive debate on the game... rather than destructive. Nobody in the community can do anything about your personal level of boredom, and your boredom has no place in my enjoyment of this game or reading this forum (since I don't post very often).
Flamebait get out
Originally Posted by gwden
Seriously, unlock all skills already. I can't enjoy PvP when every Tombs group wants different skills and boots me when I don't have them.
This topic has been discussed so much already. Find an existing, active thread to continue on if you feel you really must complain more about this.