I know this much:
Some hides give fur squares
Minataur hides give leather squares
Metal things give steel
Salvage armors can give silk and linen
but i dont know what you have to expert salvage for coal, cotton, rubies, saphhires, emeralds, monstrous fangs, monstrous claws, or monstrous eyes.
Anyone know what to salvage? or what monsters drop them?
Rare Crafting Materials
I found a Saphhire in Old Ascalon when the game first came out. I had just started playing and had it drop from a devourer or something. Only one I ever seen, I sold it to merchant for 250 gold because thats what he paid me for it and thats a lot of money when you first start of and... well what was I gonna do with a saphhire?
Lee Youngjin
Same problem, I have one with no idea.
Unfortunately, off hand I don't know much abut the rare stones of the animal parts, but I got all my lumps of charcoal off of the Stone Elementals outside of Serenity Temple in Pockmark Flats. I think I've seen a couple of Charcoal drops off of the Fire Imps in Kryta as well, but no promises there. Its not much, but all I got off hand, sorry I don't know more. Good hunting. ^^