PC gamers
hello me and my friend just recently got in an argument about which gaming console is played more by pc gamers. I say xbox because it has better graphics and better online. My friend says ps2 because of gta. Then i said gta is on xbox to so he is an idiot. So anyways just post which u play dont . O and also why pc gamerz would play xbox more is because of HALO 2.
I play my games on a PC. That is, in fact, what makes me a "PC gamer".
While one console may have better graphics than another it really wont matter unless you have the television (like HDTV) to view those better graphics with. I recently read an article about how PC games are gonna die (really stupid article actually when you look at the money made in the PC gaming industry). They basically stated that now that console games can play online it is going to kill the PC game industry because you can just buy a console instead of spending lots of money on a decent PC and good graphics card. What they didn't take into account is that there are plenty of good graphics cards out there that really arent that expensive and on the other side although the console like XBox may only cost you 200 bucks you also have to spend over a grand on a good television set to get the level of detail to match a PC monitor.
Dumahim Ashenbane
I own a PS2, X-Box, and GameCube and I buy most of my games on the X-Box because it's the more powerful system and I like the controller better. So when there's a game developed for all of the systems, I get it on the X-Box. I don't care about the X-Box Live, so that's not a selling point at all for me. The only PS2 games I buy tend to be used exclusives to kill some time. There are rare exceptions though, like Gran Turismo and Metal Gear.
Dumahim Ashenbane
Originally Posted by EvilWizard
While one console may have better graphics than another it really wont matter unless you have the television (like HDTV) to view those better graphics with. I recently read an article about how PC games are gonna die (really stupid article actually when you look at the money made in the PC gaming industry). They basically stated that now that console games can play online it is going to kill the PC game industry because you can just buy a console instead of spending lots of money on a decent PC and good graphics card. What they didn't take into account is that there are plenty of good graphics cards out there that really arent that expensive and on the other side although the console like XBox may only cost you 200 bucks you also have to spend over a grand on a good television set to get the level of detail to match a PC monitor.
BESIDES, this isn't about PC vs. Consoles. It's about PS2 vs X-Box.
Ardus Shadowmane
I don't think PC Gamers really naturally lean one way or the other. It's a question of what types of games people play. If you're an RPG fan, you get a PS2. If you're an action-oriented or eye-candy gamer, you get an XBOX. If you want the best of both worlds, you get a PC...(except Suikoden is only on Playstations, le tear)