Idea: Teleport Stones (Possible Money Sink)
Too many people are bitching and the trolling is far to rude...
Too many people are bitching and the trolling is far to rude...
Perhaps if they simply charged you every time you double clicked/traveled to another area. Also, if you're stuck in the wilderness and you're broke, when you log out and log back in you'll be in the nearest outpost

Originally Posted by eA-Zaku
Perhaps if they simply charged you every time you double clicked/traveled to another area. Also, if you're stuck in the wilderness and you're broke, when you log out and log back in you'll be in the nearest outpost
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Do like the idea of the logout, back to nearest town idea for free... like it is now.... couldn't see it being abused since it a waste of time on the player and who couldn't afford 5-20g in this game

Bloody hell. Why not just have pull 10% of your gold every time you zone. Or not drop gold...or not drop items as often. Having some 'toll charge' on a regular basis for playing a game to avoid having so much gold in game due to just mad. Don't you see the paradox? You get gold while in game playing and they take gold while you're in game playing. Hmmmm.
Originally Posted by Nefser
Bloody hell. Why not just have pull 10% of your gold every time you zone. Or not drop gold...or not drop items as often. Having some 'toll charge' on a regular basis for playing a game to avoid having so much gold in game due to just mad.
I don't call if mad, I call it interesting to see. You saying you don't have 5-10g to spare for a single teleport to anywhere in the world?
You know other games force you to walk/run/ride on a mouth and use public transport to get to places... is giving us a free ride at the moment.
Adding a minor fee wouldn't stop people moving about at all, but would help reduce the amount of horded gold floating about.
Originally Posted by Nefser
Don't you see the paradox? You get gold while in game playing and they take gold while you're in game playing. Hmmmm.
Uhm, if to much gold floating around is a problem, why don't they simply add things for ppl to buy that is actually WORTH buying/craft, but make them alot more expensive? In other words adding a gold sink that actually count?
For instance, armor, make a high-end 100k set/piece with the AL = highest AL today +1
and voila, you have a 500k moneysink, which will only affect post-campain gamers which wants to have something to strive for, but won't affect the casual players and those that have no interest/time to spend the next year playing farming for gold
The law of powergaming states (yea, I just made that up) that only the best counts.
For instance, armor, make a high-end 100k set/piece with the AL = highest AL today +1
and voila, you have a 500k moneysink, which will only affect post-campain gamers which wants to have something to strive for, but won't affect the casual players and those that have no interest/time to spend the next year playing farming for gold

The law of powergaming states (yea, I just made that up) that only the best counts.
No offense but not only does it make travel a lot more annoying (especially if you run out of stone/gold in a crucial moment), but it would be a very very bad money sink.
Like ID kits and salvage kits, or worse bags, you're removing money from lowbies and beginners who are poor. To keep the economy healthy and balanced, you want to get money out of rich people, not poor players. Many players have hundreds of thousands of gold, do you think this travel stone would affect them? Having a gold fee based on the % of your wealth is pointless as well. It would be easy to cheat the system with mules and stash.
In a few words, forcing poor people to lose money by hindering them when they're playing the game is bad. If you want a good money sink, you need something exciting (eg: gambling, unlocking, saving time) that rich and clever players are willing to sacrifice money on. They'll have fun with this money sink, in their own special way, and gold remains a usable currency.
Like ID kits and salvage kits, or worse bags, you're removing money from lowbies and beginners who are poor. To keep the economy healthy and balanced, you want to get money out of rich people, not poor players. Many players have hundreds of thousands of gold, do you think this travel stone would affect them? Having a gold fee based on the % of your wealth is pointless as well. It would be easy to cheat the system with mules and stash.
In a few words, forcing poor people to lose money by hindering them when they're playing the game is bad. If you want a good money sink, you need something exciting (eg: gambling, unlocking, saving time) that rich and clever players are willing to sacrifice money on. They'll have fun with this money sink, in their own special way, and gold remains a usable currency.
tsk... why not just close the tread Mr Know-it-all... you haven't made my day...

I don't like this at all. Now that I'm at lvl 20 I tend to teleport to lots of places caily, since theres no more missions to bring me places anymore. I would probably spend 50g+ every day, which is about 350g a week. May not be a lot to most, but it IS a lot to others.
Besides giving players the privaledge to travel anywhere for free, and then charging them for it. They would not go well with most players.
Besides giving players the privaledge to travel anywhere for free, and then charging them for it. They would not go well with most players.
Stupid idea. Not all of us have shit tons of money and armor is expensive enough right now. I'm level 17 and if I was charge 10g for each time I warped around, I'd be broke as shit.
Originally Posted by toastgodsupreme
Stupid idea. Not all of us have shit tons of money and armor is expensive enough right now. I'm level 17 and if I was charge 10g for each time I warped around, I'd be broke as shit.
So its not one of my better ideas... don't see you coming up with anything.
Re: "Christ no need to swear you know."
You a comedian by any chance, because I found this quite funny.
Just because someone doesnt offer a suggestion, doesn't mean they can't look at yours and decide "um, that's just a bad idea".
Which it is - for reasons stated above and others.
You a comedian by any chance, because I found this quite funny.
Just because someone doesnt offer a suggestion, doesn't mean they can't look at yours and decide "um, that's just a bad idea".
Which it is - for reasons stated above and others.
Sandman Uk
Originally Posted by FrogDevourer
you're removing money from lowbies and beginners who are poor.
You then budget yourself for moves and dont just flit from one area to another looking for something to do. It will also encourage players who have completed the game to team up to move about.
I have opened up 90% of my fog of war on the map and can move from Asc to anywhere on the map. Wheres the fun gone when you can just click away and you have travelled across a continent and back again searching for them special purchase's. I have done it spamming every area with a shout for a certain item I am looking for or selling.
A little RPG still in it but with the added option of paying for a transfer in a hurry by using expensive stones to do it.
I think it would also slow the economy down.
Originally Posted by RTSFirebat
tsk... why not just close the tread Mr Know-it-all... you haven't made my day...
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I'm neither bitching, nor whining, nor trolling. I'm just convinced portal stones are not a good solution to fix the economy, but that doesn't mean I'm right. I'd like to be Mr Know-it-all, but unfortunately I don't know half as much as I would like to.
Posting a suggestion doesn't mean your idea will be cheered on, or generally welcome. If you're convinced your suggestion is good, ignore trolls and stand up against argument. Explain why this is a good fix, and why my own arguments were wrong.
All suggestions can be argued upon and improved. No offense intended, but deleting your first post because you met some opposition is hardly constructive.