Originally Posted by Tellani Artini
That's funny, I've seen so many air ele spike builds torn to shreds by rituals: Fertile Season, Nature's Renewal, Quickening Zephyr. Spikers sputter when they lose attunement, their spells cost 30% more, and their targets have twice as much health as usual. We don't even use elementalists, and only 2 healing monks, and spike builds have never been more than a nuisance. Teams can choose to play without any support classes, but they shouldn't be surprised when their obvious, cookie-cutter tactics are countered by teams with support classes, such as rangers. The funniest part, I think, is that often they have no idea what's going on. You get accused of cheating fairly often with rituals, because so many people have no idea what they do. Meanwhile, the rangers are pumping out debil shots, poison, and bow nukes at will, since they've pumped expertise to make up for zephyr.
I've seen pickup groups call spirits, so I think you're being just a tidbit arrogent there. Rituals are one of the few things that set Rangers apart, I'll grant you that, but you have to consider that they work against you just as easily. You're depriving your team of everything you deprive the enemy of, and giving them all of the same advantages.
I want to hear more about these "bow nukes." I'm aware that I suck, but apparently the "uber" rangers that make up 90% of the community elude me just out of spite. I've never been hit for more than 60-70 damage by a Ranger, which every other class has managed to pull off. Hell, I've been hit for 100 by every class except Necromancers and Rangers. So what is a "bow nuke," exactly?
As for traps in the Comp. Arena, I've seen Barbed Trap used effectivly here and there. When you do find a team that plays defensive, it works. Despite my distate for the other traps, I will give credit to people who can use that one effectivly.
Lauren, PvE is nothing to gauge by. I learned that real quick when I thought I was good. I did some of the Ascention stuff with Henchmen, I still totally suck at PvP. You might think some things are awesome in PvE simply because those enemies don't carry a counter.
Edit: late night pondering.
We've all played Chess right? You know Knights. They're that wierd piece that most people don't like to use because they're difficult to use well, despite the fact that they have a whole slew of advantages over other pieces. Rangers are kinda like Knights, nobody likes them because they're not straightforward. They can give you a big advantage if you use them correctly, especially against an opponent who's unprepared.
However, consider the Queen. Everyone likes the Queen. Queens are good right out of the box, even an inexperienced player can do some damage with that piece, and an expert can use it to decimate the opponent (I'm very familar with that recieving end).
Now, you may or may not be able to take down the Queen using your Knight, but is anyone going to try and say that Knights are as good as Queens? The Knight offers some unique tactical advantages, but I sincerely doubt that anyone would take one over a Queen.
The same applies here. The quirkiness of Rangers makes them an advantage in certain situations, but most of the time you're still better off with something stronger. I'll grant you, I've only been to HoH twice, and rarely fare well in the Tombs, but I am smart enough to notice that most of the winning teams are the ones that focus on one target, drop it like a bad habit, and move on to a new target. What place do Rangers have on those teams?