A tale of HoH, a team of henchmen, and booze...
So I was sitting there in Tomb of the Primieval Kings going 'Anti-caster Mesmer {with TS/Vent} LFG!'
Ya know, the usual. And a weird thing happend! I actually got a group!
I graciously accepted the grouping and the leader wisely said 'we're gonna wait til the message before we go in so we can skip directly to the HoH'
No usually I don't go for this kind of action, as it's much more fun to fight your way through but it was 4 AM and this was the first group I've had ina while, so I went for it.
Unfortunately I didn't bother looking at the builds of my other teammates.
Well lemme re-phrase that. Unfortunately I merely GLANCED at the other builds of my teammates.
I noticed we had only two healers but whatever, we had a few elementalists and a mesmer (me) and a warrior, good enough.
When we finally got inside I noticed some were glowing our color 'hey that'...oh shit those are henchmen!'
The horror soon struck me. I was there, in the Hall of Heros, with henchmen and a leader with a devil-may-care-attitude.
Well, fraps was up. And I did have some booze left over after I got lucky on selling a rune of major swordsmanship (2.5k to the vendor) so what else to do? I drunk.
It wasn't near as fun as I had hoped it would be but for your enjoyment, I introduce to you a film I simply call 'Dead' cause we never stood a chance.
*New Link* 06/11 *
If not PM me and I'll do another link. It takes like 5 minutes to upload.
Ya know, the usual. And a weird thing happend! I actually got a group!
I graciously accepted the grouping and the leader wisely said 'we're gonna wait til the message before we go in so we can skip directly to the HoH'
No usually I don't go for this kind of action, as it's much more fun to fight your way through but it was 4 AM and this was the first group I've had ina while, so I went for it.
Unfortunately I didn't bother looking at the builds of my other teammates.
Well lemme re-phrase that. Unfortunately I merely GLANCED at the other builds of my teammates.
I noticed we had only two healers but whatever, we had a few elementalists and a mesmer (me) and a warrior, good enough.
When we finally got inside I noticed some were glowing our color 'hey that'...oh shit those are henchmen!'
The horror soon struck me. I was there, in the Hall of Heros, with henchmen and a leader with a devil-may-care-attitude.
Well, fraps was up. And I did have some booze left over after I got lucky on selling a rune of major swordsmanship (2.5k to the vendor) so what else to do? I drunk.
It wasn't near as fun as I had hoped it would be but for your enjoyment, I introduce to you a film I simply call 'Dead' cause we never stood a chance.
*New Link* 06/11 *
If not PM me and I'll do another link. It takes like 5 minutes to upload.
hehehe This is very funny 
The other team must have laughed a lot too.
Was your character shouting stuff like "I'm the king of the world!!" when fighting?

The other team must have laughed a lot too.
Was your character shouting stuff like "I'm the king of the world!!" when fighting?
If you watch closely like right after I die it says "Oh no, not again!" or something like that. Hard to see, wobbly.
Meh, 135 views and only one reply?
The thread's only 7 hours old. Chill out.
Pretty funny video but the captions are annoying.
Pretty funny video but the captions are annoying.
Thanks... that brightened my day.
Thanks... that brightened my day.
The thread's only 7 hours old. Chill out. |
You're a winner in my book.
Red Locust
Man that was awesome. Only thing better would have been if you were drunk yourself, picture what a blast it would have been then! LMAO at "apparently death is a buzz killer"
Fyre Dragonn
Funny stuff!!
:lol: Go Stefan!

Evan The Cursed
I don't get why it's funny. =/
*shrug* Guess it's just not my style. o.o
Beatles still own you though U_U
*shrug* Guess it's just not my style. o.o
Beatles still own you though U_U
captions are annoying and you dont know how to properly encode a video
Red Locust
I'd like to see you try to do better.
ha ha nice, and i didn't know that about HoH trick
ya, it was freekin funny!
dont bash on it! FOOL!
dont bash on it! FOOL!
Ardus Shadowmane
Glad you got something redeeming from the situation!
I don't know why so many people here have to be jerks just because they can be. *glances at CtrlAltDel*
I don't know why so many people here have to be jerks just because they can be. *glances at CtrlAltDel*
Eh doesn't bother me.
Some people don't like the sugary greatness of cookies, some love them.
Can't please everyone.
Glad those that liked it...uh...did lol.
Some people don't like the sugary greatness of cookies, some love them.
Can't please everyone.
Glad those that liked it...uh...did lol.
Ardus Shadowmane
Mmmmm...cookies. Funny, though, I didn't see one single cookie in that entire video. Now I'm confused. :P
Bah, I missed the boat and the link already expired T.T
Ok I put a new link up if you still wanna see it.
Whats this 'straight to the hall of heroes' thing?
Whats this 'straight to the hall of heroes' thing?
The guy just waited til the HoH was won and clicked Enter Mission.
We went straight there. It's basically the same thing as saving the last guy in The Underworld.
We went straight there. It's basically the same thing as saving the last guy in The Underworld.