Item Modifier Traders Please
Can we get an Weapon and or Item Modifier Trader?
Why you ask?!?! Let me extrapolate.
Now that there is a rune trader a large amount of gold the was being spent on these that was going from player to player (rather than dissapearing into a "trader" - seriously these guys must be billionares) is gone. Now people with a lot of gold have one less thing to spend it on. So now they can offer even MORE gold for weapons/item modifiers.
Why you ask?!?! Let me extrapolate.
Now that there is a rune trader a large amount of gold the was being spent on these that was going from player to player (rather than dissapearing into a "trader" - seriously these guys must be billionares) is gone. Now people with a lot of gold have one less thing to spend it on. So now they can offer even MORE gold for weapons/item modifiers.
This belongs on the Sardelac forum, which is for suggestions.
And I'm already going to comment instead of waiting for it to be moved, but oi, it's already begun.
This is why I feel we need the Auction House - one single place to manage all items, rather than a trader implemented to please the crowd. Because then, someone will want a trader for another thing, and then another thing.
And I'm already going to comment instead of waiting for it to be moved, but oi, it's already begun.

This would just become yet another thing for people to complain about. The idea itself is fine, but people just love to complain about things without thinking. And complaining is like a disease, once one person sees someone complaining about something they like to jump on the bandwagon and complain with them.
I don't really see why we shouldn't have one, it's about the only area left without a trader.
I guess the only problem is that there's a lot more items to deal with than any other trader. We would need something slightly better than the simple scroll, find and drag that the other traders offer.
I guess the only problem is that there's a lot more items to deal with than any other trader. We would need something slightly better than the simple scroll, find and drag that the other traders offer.
Algren Cole
this is the entire reason I opposed the patch....they didn't help the game at all by adding a rune trader. All they effectively did was take money out of the economy. If you take money out you need to put money back in...however they nerfed farming....and didn't put more money into the economy.
didn't anyone at ArenaNet take Economics?
didn't anyone at ArenaNet take Economics?
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Myodato
I don't really see why we shouldn't have one, it's about the only area left without a trader.
I guess the only problem is that there's a lot more items to deal with than any other trader. We would need something slightly better than the simple scroll, find and drag that the other traders offer. |
ya. I looked at a Rune trader last was a giant cluster ****.
Twilight Doll
If you take money out you need to put money back in. |
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Twilight Doll
That would resolve nothing.
that's how an economy can't just remove money from an economy you need to supplement it. ArenaNet should have throught of that before they went live...there's really nothing they can do about it now. They have changed anything other than the fact that money is harder to get your hands on.
Personally I think a trader for item upgrades is a bad idea. Why?
Well, you can buy nearly everything now. So whats the point of finding things?
One thing I really liked about Diablo 2 was the feeling of finding some really rare item.
And there are different % on these upgrades. So what will be for sale? Only minimum % items I would hope, thus leaving open SOME room for finding something better in your travels. If all max % items were for sale, it'd really just kill the point of finding them.
But exploration is a big part of my game. I dont PvP. I dont farm. I go out and explore and seeing a gold item drop is always cause for excitment. Or a max damage item, or a really neat upgrade.
99% of this game is already handed to nearly everyone. Can we keep this one aspect of the game as a randomizer. not everyone has to be cookie-cutter stamped exactly the same.
Well, you can buy nearly everything now. So whats the point of finding things?
One thing I really liked about Diablo 2 was the feeling of finding some really rare item.
And there are different % on these upgrades. So what will be for sale? Only minimum % items I would hope, thus leaving open SOME room for finding something better in your travels. If all max % items were for sale, it'd really just kill the point of finding them.
But exploration is a big part of my game. I dont PvP. I dont farm. I go out and explore and seeing a gold item drop is always cause for excitment. Or a max damage item, or a really neat upgrade.
99% of this game is already handed to nearly everyone. Can we keep this one aspect of the game as a randomizer. not everyone has to be cookie-cutter stamped exactly the same.
Sam Katha
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
this is the entire reason I opposed the patch....they didn't help the game at all by adding a rune trader. All they effectively did was take money out of the economy. If you take money out you need to put money back in...however they nerfed farming....and didn't put more money into the economy.
didn't anyone at ArenaNet take Economics? |
As far as economics goes... Playing the game provides an endless supply of gold; No need to farm. You gain gold with almost every kill, whether it be gold coins or items that can be sold. An endless supply of gold but limited things to spend it on leads to rampant inflation. Economics 101.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Sam Katha
Taking money out of the economy is a good thing. It slows inflation (which has been rampant) There are not enough money sinks in the game. The Rune trader will help the economy in the long run.
As far as economics goes... Playing the game provides an endless supply of gold; No need to farm. You gain gold with almost every kill, whether it be gold coins or items that can be sold. An endless supply of gold but limited things to spend it on leads to rampant inflation. Economics 101. |
freakin republican
Twilight Doll
Endless supply of gold, there is the problem right there with trying to make this into a real life economy. Money sinks are needed to prevent insane inflation rates. You saw what happened to D2. People used Soj's as a form of currency rather than the gold, because gold just retains no value because it's far too common.
The traders still reflect supply and demand. Too much of anything results in depreciation. I think the addition has further helped to stablize the economy. I also think that it also sets a general value for runes rather than people being clueless as to what an rune's value is.
The traders still reflect supply and demand. Too much of anything results in depreciation. I think the addition has further helped to stablize the economy. I also think that it also sets a general value for runes rather than people being clueless as to what an rune's value is.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Twilight Doll
Endless supply of gold, there is the problem right there with trying to make this into a real life economy. Money sinks are needed to prevent insane inflation rates. You saw what happened to D2. People used Soj's as a form of currency rather than the gold, because gold just retains no value because it's far too common.
which is why they should create money sinks. the problem we have here is that lvl 20's already playing PvP have the broad majority of the gold...and no reason to spend it. So they just hold onto it while the PvE players are struggling to scrape together enough gold to buy a freakin Fur Scrap.
start charging gold to play in the HoH...problem solved
Sam Katha
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
freakin republican

Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Sam Katha
Actually in Canada It's freakin Conservative. And my politics tend to be of the "bleeding heart" variety
![]() |
only a republican would advocate taking money out of the hands of the poor while condoning the hoarding of funds by the me, you are a republican.
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
only a republic would advocate taking money out of the hands of the poor while condoning the hoarding of funds by the me, you are a republican.
OMG !!! and I used my credit card to buy that minor vigor rune from him !!!!!
On a slightly different note. Could you tell me which trader you bought whatever you're smoking from, 'cos it seems like real good stuff.
Sam Katha
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
only a republic would advocate taking money out of the hands of the poor while condoning the hoarding of funds by the me, you are a republican.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Myodato
What ?! The rune trader is taking money from the poor ?!
OMG !!! and I used my credit card to buy that minor vigor rune from him !!!!! On a slightly different note. Could you tell me which trader you bought whatever you're smoking from, 'cos it seems like real good stuff. |
what are you talking about?
the nerfing of farming/implementation of rune trader(the same patch) has effectively taken money out of the hands of the poor. The lvl 20's playing PvP already have 800plat and could care less...for those of us that are looking at 15K armor in the near future...this update killed any reasonable way to make money.
Well, the thing with our game economy is that everyone has a lot of money already. People have well over 100K, by storing it in storage and on other characters. The most recent patches have been introduced because people had to pay an arm & a leg for a sigil, and their first-born child for a rune. But now that they've introduced traders, some prices have begun to become more reasonable - however, selling to the traders still doesn't make sense (29 gold for my major runes, sorry, no thanks). Plus, not every area is covered, and people will continue to ask for traders until there is one for every type of item available.
As for the economy, that's why Dwarven Ale was introduced - to act as a money sink, to destroy our gold comparable to the rate we are finding it (through items, through dropped gold, etc.). Gold used to be worth something, but there's such a large excess of it that we need to waste it on something.
As for the economy, that's why Dwarven Ale was introduced - to act as a money sink, to destroy our gold comparable to the rate we are finding it (through items, through dropped gold, etc.). Gold used to be worth something, but there's such a large excess of it that we need to waste it on something.
I wish I had that waste of a 100k...
*wonders why my pathetic 6k balance never seems to go up*
Probably has something to do with constantly upgrading my equipment.
Not everyone has a spare 100k just laying around.
*wonders why my pathetic 6k balance never seems to go up*
Probably has something to do with constantly upgrading my equipment.
Not everyone has a spare 100k just laying around.
Sam Katha
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
what are you talking about?
the nerfing of farming/implementation of rune trader(the same patch) has effectively taken money out of the hands of the poor. The lvl 20's playing PvP already have 800plat and could care less...for those of us that are looking at 15K armor in the near future...this update killed any reasonable way to make money. |
The rune traders make things easier for the "poor" by keeping rune prices low. Any complaints about it (other than from you for some reason) have come from the "rich" who now can no longer set the prices. I really do think you have an incorrect view of how supply an demand works...
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
The lvl 20's playing PvP already have 800plat and could care less...for those of us that are looking at 15K armor in the near future...this update killed any reasonable way to make money.
Your argument is akin to saying that the rich should pay higher taxes so that the poor can buy a Van Gogh.
This hasn't made the rich any better off, and it hasn't made the 'poor' any worse off unless they're stupid. Mobs still die, and they still drop loot. Hey, you can even sell that loot without wasting an hour you could spend farming shouting WTS XXXX.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Sam Katha
I would suggest that you simply play the game. I've never been in a situation where I didn't have enough money simply by doing that. There is no need to be "rich" in this game. You only have to buy what you need, money beyond that serves no purpose. The 15k armor is exactly the same as the 1.5k armor, it gives no bonuses and is purely cosmetic.
The rune traders make things easier for the "poor" by keeping rune prices low. Any complaints about it (other than from you for some reason) have come from the "rich" who now can no longer set the prices. I really do think you have an incorrect view of how supply an demand works... |
Well, the Rune Trader most likely regulates prices for the more rare items, like Superior Vigor, etc...
I haven't bought one myself, but I think some were paying up to 100K or so for that item, or something insanely high.. and with the Rune Trader having stock, the prices should start adjusting to meet supply and demand.
I haven't bought one myself, but I think some were paying up to 100K or so for that item, or something insanely high.. and with the Rune Trader having stock, the prices should start adjusting to meet supply and demand.
Sam Katha
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
how does the rune trader regulate prices? I still sell my runes for 300-800. the rune trader is prefectly willing to give me 780g for my Minor Rune of Absorption...It doesn't regulate anything. It just takes money out of circulation.
The rune trader will regulate prices in the same way that the dye trader does. Nobody will pay more for black dye than what the trader is selling it for (unless they don't know any better). It basically sets an upper limit for the price. If the trader was not there the price for black dye would be astranomical right now. I'm not certain that this is the best solution for inflation (it really just sidsteps it) but it does help. Specifically it helps the "poor" by keeping the price low.
A better solution for inflation would be more consumable products like the dwarven ale; Things that you must spend gold on but disappear after used so you must spend gold continually. Essentially to have zero inflation the amount of gold entering the game must exactly equall the amount leaving the game.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Sam Katha
The rune trader will regulate prices in the same way that the dye trader does. Nobody will pay more for black dye than what the trader is selling it for (unless they don't know any better). It basically sets an upper limit for the price. If the trader was not there the price for black dye would be astranomical right now. I'm not certain that this is the best solution for inflation (it really just sidsteps it) but it does help. Specifically it helps the "poor" by keeping the price low.
Dye Traders don't trade Black or Silver dye...which is why Black and Silver aren't regulated. You can sell black dye for as much as 6K if some noob is willing to pay it.
A better solution for inflation would be more consumable products like the dwarven ale; Things that you must spend gold on but disappear after used so you must spend gold continually. Essentially to have zero inflation the amount of gold entering the game must exactly equall the amount leaving the game. |
like I said...start charging the PvP players to play at the HoH...
Sam Katha
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
Dye Traders don't trade Black or Silver dye...which is why Black and Silver aren't regulated. You can sell black dye for as much as 6K if some noob is willing to pay it.
Actually the do trade balck and silver dye. Scroll down the trade window they will be there.
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
so atleast we agree that simply taking money out of cirulation and not replacing it is a bad idea by ArenaNet.

Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Sam Katha
Actually the do trade balck and silver dye. Scroll down the trade window they will be there.
I'm not saying that they are taking money away and not replacing it. I am saying they are not taking enough away to cover what they are giving. The exact opposite actually ![]() |
[black and silver dye have always been on there since they added them, you just have to scroll...many people miss them in there]
only thing with the item upgrades is that they vary with their strength
ie. fort upgrade +20-30
so whats at the trader, all of the whole range...just the base?
see why people will still get a premium for a +30 fort upgrade and whatnot
only thing with the item upgrades is that they vary with their strength
ie. fort upgrade +20-30
so whats at the trader, all of the whole range...just the base?
see why people will still get a premium for a +30 fort upgrade and whatnot
Bingley Joe
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
that must be a new development that I didn't notice with this patch...because they didn't used to.
Mmmm.. nope -- the traders have been selling 'em since the dawn of time.
Algren Cole
when I go to a Dye trader there aren't enough items to require the need of scrolling...guess I assumed they didn't sell black or silver and never noticed a scroll bar....
you can always expand the trade window in the corner like the other windows in the game
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by CtrlAltDel
you can always expand the trade window in the corner like the other windows in the game
what does the trader sell black and silver dye for?
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
that's how an economy can't just remove money from an economy you need to supplement it. ArenaNet should have throught of that before they went live...there's really nothing they can do about it now. They have changed anything other than the fact that money is harder to get your hands on.
In RL you have Tax, you have to pay for food, petrol the list goes on and on.
In a game you don't, They have there for a need to create gold sinks, that will compensate for the fact that there is nothing to spent cash on.
The Rune Trader, Fussure and the 75k armours are the current gold sinks.
They are there to slow down the growing number of millioniares within the game. If you all receive gold at a fast rate, then those who have worked hard and paid 75k for the armours will nolonger be unique as everyplayer will have a set. It really is as simple as that.
If you get given everything, where is the challange? Initially it maybe be cool, but it would soon lead to boredom.
Having to earn that $3 to buy them luxury biscuits, then eating them makes them taste all the sweeter, then you go out earn another $3 till you can afford another packet. THis way you enjoy you delux biscuits and they are worth every penny.
Now if them buscuits were free, sure the first packet, maybe nice, even the second, but buy the third and fourth packets they become sickly and you nolonger want them, in fact you are unlikely to have them again due to over indulgence.
Alas the above is human nature, with very very few exceptions to the rule.
Do you guys think that if players were rewarded gold for winning in the Competition Arena consequently would help the economy?
*Sighs Deeply*
The way an Economy works is neither on the left nor the right side of the political spectrum. Hell, it's not even on the political spectrum.
No. Putting more gold into circulation just makes inflation worse. And all those PvEers who are just starting out won't be able to get gold if farming were nerfed (like some say it should be) and inflation continues.
The way an Economy works is neither on the left nor the right side of the political spectrum. Hell, it's not even on the political spectrum.
Originally Posted by riflex
Do you guys think that if players were rewarded gold for winning in the Competition Arena consequently would help the economy?
I honestly would not mind at all if EVERYTHING had a trader. I really hate that trade channel.
Sigh. The traders sell whatever they can buy from the players. If nobody will sell yellow dye to the trader, the trader will run out of stock (and the price skyrocket). Same with the materials trader and the sigil trade and now the rune trader.
Unlike the merchants, the traders are merely brookers between players.
They are a for pay service for those of us who prefer spending our time fighting monsters (and get gold drops) over finding the best deal on the spam channel. We pay a trader for doing something we find boring, and earn the money for it by doing something we find fun.
The traders obviously compete with those players who find trading more fun than fighting. Tough luck, Guild Wars is basically a combat game, not a trading game.
The difference between the traders and an auction house is that the traders are very cheap to implement. Traders don't deal with individual items, but with classes of identical items. All they need is a single integer for each class, holding the number of items currently in stock. An auction house would require a huge central database containing each individual item. Basically a gigantic inventory. It would go very much against the technical design of Guild Wars, which thanks to districts and instances can run very distributed and on cheap hardware.
A weapon upgrade trader would be a good idea, but only work if weapon upgrades aren't too unique. Are all posion bow strings the same? Or do the upgrades have individual attributes? If the later, such a trader would be much more difficulat to implement.
Unlike the merchants, the traders are merely brookers between players.
They are a for pay service for those of us who prefer spending our time fighting monsters (and get gold drops) over finding the best deal on the spam channel. We pay a trader for doing something we find boring, and earn the money for it by doing something we find fun.
The traders obviously compete with those players who find trading more fun than fighting. Tough luck, Guild Wars is basically a combat game, not a trading game.
The difference between the traders and an auction house is that the traders are very cheap to implement. Traders don't deal with individual items, but with classes of identical items. All they need is a single integer for each class, holding the number of items currently in stock. An auction house would require a huge central database containing each individual item. Basically a gigantic inventory. It would go very much against the technical design of Guild Wars, which thanks to districts and instances can run very distributed and on cheap hardware.
A weapon upgrade trader would be a good idea, but only work if weapon upgrades aren't too unique. Are all posion bow strings the same? Or do the upgrades have individual attributes? If the later, such a trader would be much more difficulat to implement.
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
I just never saw black or silver or a scroll bar.
what does the trader sell black and silver dye for? |