pet emotes /petsit
of course, they would be useless in town (so wish we could have our gear in town as an option, and pets) But in the field it would be both fun and useful. Here are some samples (you can imagine the possible usefulness)
/petfetch (oh yeah)
/petplaydead (no aggro for wandering mobs... good surprise attack)
/petheel (as in come, not give life, in case some of you use english as second language)
These would come in handy for tactics, and they would just be fun to play with.
/petfetch (oh yeah)
/petplaydead (no aggro for wandering mobs... good surprise attack)
/petheel (as in come, not give life, in case some of you use english as second language)
These would come in handy for tactics, and they would just be fun to play with.
The undead Mesmer
or this one /petkamikaze
this one wil work only once per mission or quest your pets performs a suicide attack and kills every mob near him but dies after wards.
this one wil work only once per mission or quest your pets performs a suicide attack and kills every mob near him but dies after wards.

lol... an exploding stalker...
Miss Puddles
Originally Posted by DrSLUGFly
lol... an exploding stalker...
how about a /anklebite emote for your dune lizard? man that hurts...
/petsit might help in dangerous areas where you dont want pet to wander off to far so he dosnt aggro any mob
/petstay same as above or yust to keep pet at start and give it exp like that lol
/petjump i dunno could be funny
/petrollover again funny
/petfetch (oh yeah) could be used for picking up items ?
/petattack ah so when you used petstay or petheel u have to type this first for it to attack ?
/petplaydead (no aggro for wandering mobs... good surprise attack) again could use good to not have youre pet die once you res it in a mob
/petheel (as in come, not give life, in case some of you use english as second language)
/petspeak no comment
love the idea i was thinking bout some pet emotes the other day
/petstay same as above or yust to keep pet at start and give it exp like that lol
/petjump i dunno could be funny
/petrollover again funny
/petfetch (oh yeah) could be used for picking up items ?
/petattack ah so when you used petstay or petheel u have to type this first for it to attack ?
/petplaydead (no aggro for wandering mobs... good surprise attack) again could use good to not have youre pet die once you res it in a mob
/petheel (as in come, not give life, in case some of you use english as second language)
/petspeak no comment
love the idea i was thinking bout some pet emotes the other day
Lek Stacy
lol, brilliant!
/petbeg [pet begs for half-eaten mass]
/petpaw [pet shakes a paw]
/petbeg [pet begs for half-eaten mass]
/petpaw [pet shakes a paw]

change that one to this one....
/petfetch pet runs to dwarf merchant and brings back an ale or two
Speaking of that ...
Is there anyplace in the game to buy a hamburger and fries?
/petfetch pet runs to dwarf merchant and brings back an ale or two
Speaking of that ...
Is there anyplace in the game to buy a hamburger and fries?
The undead Mesmer
special for hogs /petfind
your hog wil search for truffels (dont knw the english name)
that you can feed your pet or sell for much cash
your hog wil search for truffels (dont knw the english name)
that you can feed your pet or sell for much cash

Dan Mega
Perfect for the stalker. Not a single mission goes by that I'm playing in a pick up group, and someone says "nice kitty"...
Perfect for the stalker. Not a single mission goes by that I'm playing in a pick up group, and someone says "nice kitty"...
lol. I was hurt reeeeeaaaaaaaal bad today. We were starting a mission, some guys and me. In total, there were about 4 rangers in the party (out of 6), and they all had stalkers (weird). 2 of em started laughing saying: "look at your pet, its a PIG!!!". Its actually a Warthog. His name is Chupathingy by the way. It's got a ring to it

The undead Mesmer
i also have a hog his name is Lord Bacon.
i dont knw why everybody whants to eat my little hog?
i dont knw why everybody whants to eat my little hog?

/petbeg and /petpaw are good ones, forgot about those. the /petfetch would be to fetch selected items and return them to you. Good if you don't want to be arsed to run around a cliff or if you want to grab something that's in the other direction from what you want your pet to fetch for you.
people usually go "waoh, big bear" when they see bamse. or "how u get baer?!?!?!?!"
this would be awesome. 
who woulda thunk?

who woulda thunk?
/petdance (w/ divine aura too?
pet emotes would be hilarious.
/petdance (w/ divine aura too?

pet emotes would be hilarious.
/petdance is a pretty good one, I had remembered another crucial one but it now escapes me. Either way, I feel this suggestion is highly worth bumpage even if it is (sadly) only useful for one class.
i agree this would be awesome.
So the majority of these are just for fun? I don't think they'll be implemented, at least not at the priority of things that affect actual play.
thats true just for fun, but it's what keeps people playing. that is why we play video games... for fun.
While they are adding pet /emotes, they should add the option (toggle on/off) of having your Pet in town... people will start stepping in piles of moa shit

Dude, I don't even use Charm Animal, but I went out of my way to Charm a Warthog just because they're awesome. Oink was a super-studly NPC.
Chupathingy....there's something familar about this name Sarge...
Chupathingy....there's something familar about this name Sarge...
I'd like to see my Strider pet do some of those things... XD
i can see petfetch working especially if you can get youre pet to pickup quest items if you be othered to carry it youre self lol
yes... there should be pet emotes added.. some just for fun but some for actual use..
such as /petstay and /petattack
such as /petstay and /petattack
Drago Solaris
i know iv seen chupathingy b4 sumwere
Drago Solaris
/petscout would be good it would go and find any hiding enemies like devourers who burried themselfs int he groud after finding them it marks them on the radar so u can avoid
Torn Noxec
if u want to dismiss your pet
make it come back
if u want to dismiss your pet
make it come back
LOL I might pay money to be able to see my Bear dance lol or FLEX lol
LOL I might pay money to be able to see my Bear dance lol or FLEX lol
Miss Puddles
chupathingy is from red vs blue if you havent remembered it yet...great pet name. or how about "/petname You Mean A Puma"
Drago Solaris
no i know red versus blue and stuff but i swear iv seen chpathingy in guild wars
Drago Solaris
also /ptename that window is square and my head is round
/petname my toes are getting pruney
/petname my toes are getting pruney
I would love to see this stuff happen, to have my stalker go into play mode or super attack mode would be awesome
Originally Posted by Torn Noxec
if u want to dismiss your pet /petsummon make it come back xD |
This would be cool - everyone gets so hung up on my little Trogdor's name to appreciate he is cool without it

i think the warthogs are the cutest things ever, too bad i can't charm the rabbit.
Emotes would be very fun, a little incentive for us beastmasters working so hard
Emotes would be very fun, a little incentive for us beastmasters working so hard
/petdance (like dogs on their hind legs or something)
/pethowl (wolves)
/petgroom (stalkers and lynx would clean themselves like a cat)
/petknockdown # (enter the position from top to bottom of the player you want your pet to playfully knock over)
/petkiss (get licked to death or mauled if bear)
/petspecial (a special action depending on pet. IE: Dune lizards could change color breifly like a chameleon)
/petplay (play tug of war with pet & rope)
/petpout (wimpers)
/pethug (bear's only)
/petfrog (play leapfrog with pet)
/petsleep (alt: /petbored)
/pethowl (wolves)
/petgroom (stalkers and lynx would clean themselves like a cat)
/petknockdown # (enter the position from top to bottom of the player you want your pet to playfully knock over)
/petkiss (get licked to death or mauled if bear)
/petspecial (a special action depending on pet. IE: Dune lizards could change color breifly like a chameleon)
/petplay (play tug of war with pet & rope)
/petpout (wimpers)
/pethug (bear's only)
/petfrog (play leapfrog with pet)
/petsleep (alt: /petbored)
This seems like a neat idea.
What if this was linked to beast mastery, like if you wanted /petsit to not aggro a mob, but your beast mastery was low, then there would be a chance of /petsit failing, and he would run around to the mob.
What if this was linked to beast mastery, like if you wanted /petsit to not aggro a mob, but your beast mastery was low, then there would be a chance of /petsit failing, and he would run around to the mob.
That'd rock...
But I think this thread is doing a better job of beast mastery improvements
Although... emotes to prevent aggro would be nice.
But I think this thread is doing a better job of beast mastery improvements
Although... emotes to prevent aggro would be nice.