Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
Even poker is about 2/3'rds luck, In MTG it's probably over 80% luck. What's the luck-to-skill ratio in GW?
If someone prior to buying GW had even hinted there was a link between GW and a hockey-card collecting "game" like MTG, I would never, ever, have bought GW.
Thank god noone did.
How much magic have you played? If Magic was 80% luck, then the top rankings would be filled with nameless chumps that changed from season to season. However, its not, the people place and win in the tournaments are mostly people one would recognize. They're the people who consistantly win. Do they have better cards than their competition? No, considering the competition they face generally have access to the exact same cards they do, have similar costing decks, and some even have the exact same decks. Topdecking does win some games, but if 80% of the games were determined by topdecking, then there wouldn't be consistent winners.