Guild Wars is a beautiful game, with beautiful scenery, and beautiful combat. So, when you have a skill called Firestorm, I expect huge flaming streaks raining onto the enemies and the whole area filled with explosions. What I see is thing golden streaks making a small undignified explosion on the ground that is hardly visible. It just doesn't cut it. =P Meteor storms should look like a Meteor Storm with the screen shaking and craters exploding into the ground, not little pebbles and small dust.

So I would like to suggest Anet have a new version of the spell effects that actually look amazing everytime you cast it. =D But there should be an option for those that may not like the new effects to switch back to the current spell effects.
If this is badly worded, I'm sorry, exhausted at the time of this post, but I think it's worded well enough for you to get my drift.