LvL 20 ...Now What?
General Bashalot
Ok so I have reached level 20 so now what can I or should I do?
Red Locust
1) keep going with the game, finish the missions, go on to underworld or fissure of woe for extremely challenging PvE missions.
2) go on to PvP, tombs in particular, and start working on your skills and builds in order to be able to hold the HoH, competing against the best players in GW.
2) go on to PvP, tombs in particular, and start working on your skills and builds in order to be able to hold the HoH, competing against the best players in GW.
Just because getting level 20 doesn't mean you beat all the missions. A variety of MMORPGS have left you in a position whereas you do nothing but level, thus, causing the level cap to be extreamly high and requiring thousands of hours to get to. For GW, they have bypassed this sense of leveling and you cannot force yourself that the best part is over or feel discouraged in any way, or else you've lost a potential great friend and $50.
-- >Things to do-
> Finish missions
> Unlock more skills/items
> Become richer! (That's always fun, but there's a limit to how rich you can get until it becomes utterly pointless)
> Start a new character, one character can change secondaries after ascension, but primary is so important that secondary professions won't nearly match up to the feelings you get from playing that character as a primary. (There's main attributes and armor and regen differences.)
> And most of all... PVP! Once you get hooked on PVP you won't ask what i can do, you'll just log onto vent/ts and hook up with your buddies for some hardcore HOH. Once you do this, all you're questions will be answered... and if new ones arise, hopefully patches/expansions have come by then.
-- >Things to do-
> Finish missions
> Unlock more skills/items
> Become richer! (That's always fun, but there's a limit to how rich you can get until it becomes utterly pointless)
> Start a new character, one character can change secondaries after ascension, but primary is so important that secondary professions won't nearly match up to the feelings you get from playing that character as a primary. (There's main attributes and armor and regen differences.)
> And most of all... PVP! Once you get hooked on PVP you won't ask what i can do, you'll just log onto vent/ts and hook up with your buddies for some hardcore HOH. Once you do this, all you're questions will be answered... and if new ones arise, hopefully patches/expansions have come by then.
Originally Posted by General Bashalot
Ok so I have reached level 20 so now what can I or should I do?

Hit the PvP scene only to find out you need more skill points, Then beat the game with a new character, then hit the PvP scene again only to find out you need more skills, ect...
- Go north of Lonars Pass and join any group of level 15-19 players that believes the only way to go is south (trough lonars pass). You wont have to wait long to find one.
- Say that THEY can impossibly run trough there, no matter what the rumors say and that THEY will never make it trough no matter how. Enjoy being ignored or kicked.
- See them die like lemmings in the first (2 enemies) or second (~10 x lvl28) mob, say "congratulations" if one will make it to a Worm (what will amlost never happen).
- Laught at them and tell them that rarely any group that has played through the game makes it trough lonars pass, even with 8 players (most fail by leaving people, morale and time).
- Try it like me and start from south with 2 other paladins (one left in the middle, one at the end) and 5 hencheman (!!!) , dont run trough (kill all) and take the western way in the upper part that is not even shown on any mapping project because hordes of 5 enemies of each 8 classes (incl one boss of each) so goddamn hard after 2+ hours of playing with bad morale.
- Say that THEY can impossibly run trough there, no matter what the rumors say and that THEY will never make it trough no matter how. Enjoy being ignored or kicked.
- See them die like lemmings in the first (2 enemies) or second (~10 x lvl28) mob, say "congratulations" if one will make it to a Worm (what will amlost never happen).
- Laught at them and tell them that rarely any group that has played through the game makes it trough lonars pass, even with 8 players (most fail by leaving people, morale and time).
- Try it like me and start from south with 2 other paladins (one left in the middle, one at the end) and 5 hencheman (!!!) , dont run trough (kill all) and take the western way in the upper part that is not even shown on any mapping project because hordes of 5 enemies of each 8 classes (incl one boss of each) so goddamn hard after 2+ hours of playing with bad morale.
Originally Posted by Ollj
- Go north of Lonars Pass and join any group of level 15-19 players that believes the only way to go is south (trough lonars pass). You wont have to wait long to find one.
- Say that THEY can impossibly run trough there, no matter what the rumors say and that THEY will never make it trough no matter how. Enjoy being ignored or kicked. - See them die like lemmings in the first (2 enemies) or second (~10 x lvl28) mob, say "congratulations" if one will make it to a Worm (what will amlost never happen). - Laught at them and tell them that rarely any group that has played through the game makes it trough lonars pass, even with 8 players (most fail by leaving people, morale and time). - Try it like me and start from south with 2 other paladins (one left in the middle, one at the end) and 5 hencheman (!!!) , dont run trough (kill all) and take the western way in the upper part that is not even shown on any mapping project because hordes of 5 enemies of each 8 classes (incl one boss of each) so goddamn hard after 2+ hours of playing with bad morale. |
Are you test driving the English language?
ben late...
Underworld and the fissure of woe. It takes eight or so hours to do the monument quest in UW.
I've made it through Lornars 5 times, fighting every time. I've seen the runners but never done it that way. The first time was level 17, it just takes coordination and patience.
go capture all the elites u can get! im currently trying to capture every elite i can get...i keep switching my secondary class and capturing elites. i also do alot of underworld and fissure. or, go make a new character, im on my third :P
Originally Posted by asdar
I've made it through Lornars 5 times, fighting every time. I've seen the runners but never done it that way. The first time was level 17, it just takes coordination and patience.
Teufel Eldritch
Originally Posted by Canook
go capture all the elites u can get! im currently trying to capture every elite i can get...i keep switching my secondary class and capturing elites. i also do alot of underworld and fissure. or, go make a new character, im on my third :P
I'm actually starting to realize what the guy means. I've got the weapons I want, I've got the 60k armor, I've gone through all the missions/quests (except a couple for my new secondary profession, which I'm not concerned about because at lvl 20 they'd take half a second anyway) now what? I guess I could become more rich...but why? So I can buy more dyes to have multicolor armor? Should I create a new character so I can go through the exact same missions and quests I've done 1,000 times with this character when you count helping guildmates through them...? It's kinda like...alright, got my armor, got the weapons...done all the missions and quests 1,000 times, I'm almost sick of them. I won't force myself to follow Prince Rurik's moronic actions through ascalon again, and if I skip those missions and go straight to ascension then I've entirely missed the purpose of having more to do.
I guess there's PvP, but I hate GvG PvP and the HoH, it takes too long to do. It's not the kind of thing I can start, and then leave if I have to eat dinner or something.
I really enjoy the arenas, both team and random, but even those are starting to get boring doing the same few maps over and over with 4 people on each team...
I guess there isn't much left to do
The game is still relatively fun, but now that I've beaten it and since I've had the armor and weapons long before I beat the story's just kind of a dead end unless you're ridiculously fond of the PvP section of the game. I suppose I just don't like it because it's never really anything new, and you can't really ever accomplish anything new. It's just like...alright, I've fought these guys before...same thing as always, attack called target...let other people do their jobs. It gets awefully repetitive and despite the fast amount of skill/profession combinations in the game, PvP matches are rarely ever different from one another. Whether it be HoH, GvG, or arenas...
I guess this is where I go eagerly await Day of Defeat: Source and wait for expansions and updates for Guild Wars.
I guess there's PvP, but I hate GvG PvP and the HoH, it takes too long to do. It's not the kind of thing I can start, and then leave if I have to eat dinner or something.
I really enjoy the arenas, both team and random, but even those are starting to get boring doing the same few maps over and over with 4 people on each team...
I guess there isn't much left to do

I guess this is where I go eagerly await Day of Defeat: Source and wait for expansions and updates for Guild Wars.
I did the pass at lvl 19 was the funest part of the game took 5 hours we had lots of luck and some crazy moves. I am pushing up my 2nd charater and it is getting borring at lv 14 already. not sure i will finish it, have sacred underworld on order and will stop playing till there is a expansion and then deside if it is worth the money.
No I have no plans on ever doing any PvP, not with any game.
No I have no plans on ever doing any PvP, not with any game.