"Suicide" Skills
These are my ideas for new skills. The common theme of all these skills is that they are "suicide" skills - that is, you die once you finish using them. Also, all the linked attributes are the primary attribute for that class.
WARRIOR - "Final Desperation" - Enchantment (cast on self). (Attribute: Strength) Gain 100-340 health when this enchantment is cast. While this enchantment is active, you receive +50% attack rate, +50% damage, and -15 health degeneration. This enchantment may not be removed.
MONK - "Gift of Life" - Spell. (Attribute: Divine Favor) When this spell is cast, you die. All other members of your party gain 30-100% of the amount of health you had remaining when this spell was cast.
ELEMENTALIST: "Energetic Surge" - Spell. (Attribute: Energy Storage). When this spell is cast, you die. All players (including allies) within a 3 meter radius take 3-7 points of damage for each point of energy you had remaining.
MESMER: "Distort Reality" - Enchantment (cast on self) (Attribute: Fast Casting). While this enchantment is in effect, all allies within 25 meters (except you) gain +3 health regeneration, +2 energy regeneration, and +10% damage, and all enemies within 25 meters suffer -3 health degeneration, -2 energy degeneration, and -10% damage. You suffer 12-7 energy degeneration and cannot move, attack, or use any other skills. When your energy reaches zero, you die. This enchantment cannot be removed.
NECROMANCER: "Death Vortex" - Enchantment (cast on self) (Attribute: Soul Reaping). You suffer (25-15) health degeneration and (50-25)% movement speed reduction. All enemies within 10 meters of you suffer (7-12) health degeneration. This enchantment cannot be removed.
RANGER: "Deadly Trap" - Trap. (Attribute: Expertise). After this trap is set, you may not move. Anyone coming within 2.5 meters of you sets off the trap. The trap kills you but does (100-280) points of damage to all enemies within 10 meters and also gives them the Bleeding, Crippled, and Deep Wound conditions for (7-15) seconds.
WARRIOR - "Final Desperation" - Enchantment (cast on self). (Attribute: Strength) Gain 100-340 health when this enchantment is cast. While this enchantment is active, you receive +50% attack rate, +50% damage, and -15 health degeneration. This enchantment may not be removed.
MONK - "Gift of Life" - Spell. (Attribute: Divine Favor) When this spell is cast, you die. All other members of your party gain 30-100% of the amount of health you had remaining when this spell was cast.
ELEMENTALIST: "Energetic Surge" - Spell. (Attribute: Energy Storage). When this spell is cast, you die. All players (including allies) within a 3 meter radius take 3-7 points of damage for each point of energy you had remaining.
MESMER: "Distort Reality" - Enchantment (cast on self) (Attribute: Fast Casting). While this enchantment is in effect, all allies within 25 meters (except you) gain +3 health regeneration, +2 energy regeneration, and +10% damage, and all enemies within 25 meters suffer -3 health degeneration, -2 energy degeneration, and -10% damage. You suffer 12-7 energy degeneration and cannot move, attack, or use any other skills. When your energy reaches zero, you die. This enchantment cannot be removed.
NECROMANCER: "Death Vortex" - Enchantment (cast on self) (Attribute: Soul Reaping). You suffer (25-15) health degeneration and (50-25)% movement speed reduction. All enemies within 10 meters of you suffer (7-12) health degeneration. This enchantment cannot be removed.
RANGER: "Deadly Trap" - Trap. (Attribute: Expertise). After this trap is set, you may not move. Anyone coming within 2.5 meters of you sets off the trap. The trap kills you but does (100-280) points of damage to all enemies within 10 meters and also gives them the Bleeding, Crippled, and Deep Wound conditions for (7-15) seconds.
ELEMENTALIST: "Energetic Surge" - Spell. (Attribute: Energy Storage). When this spell is cast, you die. All players (including allies) within a 3 meter radius take 3-7 points of damage for each point of energy you had remaining. |
We shouldn't encourage PC's to go on a suicide run. Some are already doing that in PvP so necro can have corpses to work with. :\
Good point, EA-Zaku. I had thought about that too. In order to balance that skill you would want to give it a reasonably long activation timer and recharge timer (say 5 seconds activation, 30 seconds recharge). That way it would be easy to interrupt, and if interrupted could not be quickly used again. Also, the fact that it does damage to everyone, including allies, makes it harder to use effectively. However, if an E/W were able to prevent his spells from being interrupted, he might be able to use it easily. Also the 5 second activation timer makes it so people can run away. This would make it a difficult-to-use spell, but one that could be extremely powerful if used properly.
You're right. Perhaps you should add in skill timers?
I don't see the need for recharge time. Honestly...even if they're ressurected, it should be like Signet of Ressurection. One-time use only.
I don't see the need for recharge time. Honestly...even if they're ressurected, it should be like Signet of Ressurection. One-time use only.
BTW: "Recharge time" for one-use skills (Signets of Resurrection and Capture are the only two in the game right now I think) still matter because if the skill is interuupted, it's not used up butyou have to wait for it to recharge to try to use it again. So recharge time does matter.
Originally Posted by Alex319
BTW: "Recharge time" for one-use skills (Signets of Resurrection and Capture are the only two in the game right now I think) still matter because if the skill is interuupted, it's not used up butyou have to wait for it to recharge to try to use it again. So recharge time does matter.
I don't like that idea of suicide bombs =|
If the suicide skills are one-time use signets, then maybe. I could see how these could easily be abused, but perhaps with some development and thought, they could work some suicide skills into the game.
I think the warrior, mesmer, and ranger skills are too overpowering, but I like your idea for the Monk, Elementalist, and Necro suicide skills. The monk one especially, as it would be the ultimate sacrifice to save your team. I believe in FFXI, there was a similar skill that didn't suicide the healer, but brought them down SO low in life, they may as well have been dead. It wasn't used often (because all players suffered a temporary weakness penalty AND exp loss from death, and too many deaths could lead to de-leveling) -- but when a team was about to fall to its death, the monk could save the day (and hope that they would be able to survive without the primary healer to finish the battle).
I think the warrior, mesmer, and ranger skills are too overpowering, but I like your idea for the Monk, Elementalist, and Necro suicide skills. The monk one especially, as it would be the ultimate sacrifice to save your team. I believe in FFXI, there was a similar skill that didn't suicide the healer, but brought them down SO low in life, they may as well have been dead. It wasn't used often (because all players suffered a temporary weakness penalty AND exp loss from death, and too many deaths could lead to de-leveling) -- but when a team was about to fall to its death, the monk could save the day (and hope that they would be able to survive without the primary healer to finish the battle).
Originally Posted by Aaaaagh
I might be wrong, but if a rez signet is interupted its gone.

what about a team of E/Ws? Doing the charge, sprint suicide thing? just have 1 person lay back, and have the others charge into battle to the various enemy groups to kill them all. Event with interruption hits, you can't disable an entire team unless you have all Rs and Ws. I know other classes have disruption abilities, but they take too much time to use, and couldn't stop them.
With the monk spell, what if the monk had buffs on that made them get 600+ HP? 30% of that is 180 HP. And that is assuming theres no points into divine favor(which is rediculous on a monk that uses a suicidal healing spell). Plus, you get the +X amount of points for using the healing spell.
With the monk spell, what if the monk had buffs on that made them get 600+ HP? 30% of that is 180 HP. And that is assuming theres no points into divine favor(which is rediculous on a monk that uses a suicidal healing spell). Plus, you get the +X amount of points for using the healing spell.
Mordeth Lestalk
Sounds like Necro is the class for you, oh Suicidal one.
Originally Posted by deathwearer
I don't like that idea of suicide bombs =|
ie. death nova. ive used it alot in grouping w/ henchs/human players.
when i c someone is about close to death or you know they will. i cast and they turn into a mob poisoning/dmg dealing bomb.

Originally Posted by Alex319
...you would want to give it a reasonably long activation timer and recharge timer (say 5 seconds activation, 30 seconds recharge)....
Why worry about a 30 second recharge if the skill kills you?
Why worry about a 30 second recharge if the skill kills you? |
Broken suggestion.
Like I said before, recharge time matters if the skill gets interrupted.
Also, I like Galatea's idea of the suicide skills being one-time-use. This would prevent the problem of being able to be resurrected and then use the skill again.
Also, I like Galatea's idea of the suicide skills being one-time-use. This would prevent the problem of being able to be resurrected and then use the skill again.
Howling Wind
Originally Posted by Galatea
I think the warrior, mesmer, and ranger skills are too overpowering.
I agree the ranger seems a bit a overpowered, elementalist maybe a little strong but I can see it now, every body want's a ranger in their teams, everyone is like screw the monk get the rangers. Then as PvP begins, put on whirling defense + storm chaser or lightning reflexes and cast deadly trap immediately, then the e/mo comes in behind the ranger with armour of earth and ward against melee etc... They will be like walking death bombs of uberness, battle will be determined by who sets the bomb of first :P
Anyway i'd like to see the monk suicide skill to be slightly better, instead of remaining hp, use max hp or 25-75% of max hp. I mean even with that skill, you don't want to loose a monk for it and most might only use it when they are near dead with remaining hp of 30-50 which isn't alot of healing. If however monks in the back un-attacked with full hp a (unlikely they get targeted first) decide to use it and someone can rez them later then It might be nice but I don't see it being used often.
Change the monk skill to use max hp and have all the suicide skills make it so that if you die due to this skill then you cannot be resurrected for 150-70s. Make its more balanced. Would be annoying to see a ranger do a deadly trap and cause like 340dmg on all opponents, then someone uses rez and he comes back alive on the same spot with enemie opponents around him and he uses deadly trap again..seriously most opponents would be dead by then unless there was serious protection buffing from monks like reversal of fortune.
Originally Posted by Howling Wind
...plus getting +50% damage and +50% atk rate against him is like doubling damage.
Originally Posted by Howling Wind
Then as PvP begins, put on whirling defense + storm chaser or lightning reflexes and cast deadly trap immediately, then the e/mo comes in behind the ranger with armour of earth and ward against melee etc... They will be like walking death bombs of uberness, battle will be determined by who sets the bomb of first.
I was thinking about suicidal skills, but in my mind they were confined entirely to Necromancer.
The main one I thought of was something like:
25 Energy, 3 second cast, 60 second recharge time
You can use this only if you have full health. Target foe with less than 50% health is killed. You cannot be resurrected for 60 seconds.
The main one I thought of was something like:
25 Energy, 3 second cast, 60 second recharge time
You can use this only if you have full health. Target foe with less than 50% health is killed. You cannot be resurrected for 60 seconds.
The Monk one is awful. Compare it to this:
Originally Posted by Alex319
NECROMANCER: "Death Vortex" - Enchantment (cast on self) (Attribute: Soul Reaping). You suffer (25-15) health degeneration and (50-25)% movement speed reduction. All enemies within 10 meters of you suffer (7-12) health degeneration. This enchantment cannot be removed.
Originally Posted by Alex319
RANGER: "Deadly Trap" - Trap. (Attribute: Expertise). After this trap is set, you may not move. Anyone coming within 2.5 meters of you sets off the trap. The trap kills you but does (100-280) points of damage to all enemies within 10 meters and also gives them the Bleeding, Crippled, and Deep Wound conditions for (7-15) seconds.
Warrior-skill suggestion?.. I can do that with 2 skills(well, not the +50% damage). And without degen.
Monk-suggestion: Divine healing, Infuse Health.
Mesmer-skill. Cant see any use for this one. Ever. -7 energy degen is too much with mesmers limited energy pool.
Elementalist-skill: Did you count the damage? I've seen people talk about elementalists with 101 energy. So, thats 707 damage from one skill, pbaoe. No more bodyblocking the dais!
Ya I would definately use my speed skills (windborne, illusion of speed, and armor of mist) for 100% speed increase, then use glyph of sacrafice, run in at double speed and cast the spell instantly for like 700 dmg and kill thier whole team. Rez and repeat. Definately overpowered, tough I must admit it would be fun

I'd be so pissed if at the start of a match, our monk ran into the middle and exploded. I would hope he could add more to the team being alive. =/
Harlas Kije
To make it more interesting--make these "suicide" skills elite. I wonder how that would fare when making a skill set.
I would think that when a necro dies using the suicide skill, that the skill should raise a minion looking similar to your necro, +25% movement speed, 15-22 sword, and +20% attack speed. It would be level 20, 750hp, could not be healed, and agressive towards everything (would ignore all necro skills that try to take mastery of it).
THAT is a suicide skill.
The balance is that it could take out your team if you suicide in the wrong place.
I mean think about it... if a master of everything undead dies, you'd expect something like that to rise from the ground and take revenge.
THAT is a suicide skill.
The balance is that it could take out your team if you suicide in the wrong place.
I mean think about it... if a master of everything undead dies, you'd expect something like that to rise from the ground and take revenge.
the monk suicide skill described is a good idea, but i agree that it should be max life points not remaining life points. Also I support the idea that these suicide skills should only have a 1 time use per mission, much like the ressurrection signet.
Howling Wind
Originally Posted by Alex319
They might be death bombs, but they won't be walking. I clearly said that the Ranger is not allowed to move once he sets the Deadly Trap.
If the warrior gets +50% atk rage and +50dmg bonus then yeah thats really overpowering, its like all his normal attacks doing double damage and can you imaging the power of Final Thrust on those situations.
Twilight Doll
I think this would only make the random pvp arenas worse. You already have people leaving in the middle of a match. I can only presume that players would use skills like this recklessly.
Lady Leara
If they ever implement these "Suicide" Skills type, I think that once you "Suicide" your self you're gone for good, you can not be rez. It would be a last resort skill, shouldnt be an exploit skill.
one of my favorite thing to do in PvE is once something dies, I go through this process
Step 1: Animate Bone Minions
Step 2: Cast Death Nova on both Bone Minions
Step 3: Cast Taste Of Death twice
Step 4: got to step 1
Step 1: Animate Bone Minions
Step 2: Cast Death Nova on both Bone Minions
Step 3: Cast Taste Of Death twice
Step 4: got to step 1
BTW, that elementalist skill you were talkin about, would make a nearby surviving necromancer very happy. I'll give a few examples of how he would look at those bodies depending on his skill setup.
Now, how would a necromancer look at a field of dead bodies?
If he has Animate Bone Minions... it looks like the army reserve
If he has Putrid Explosion... It looks like a personal mine field
If he has Consume Corpse... It looks like an all you can eat buffet
If you've got Animate Bone Minions, Animate Bone Fiend, and Ressurect on, then all you've done is made it hard on your team because the team just went from 8, to 12-15 with your body behind enemy lines.
Now, how would a necromancer look at a field of dead bodies?
If he has Animate Bone Minions... it looks like the army reserve
If he has Putrid Explosion... It looks like a personal mine field
If he has Consume Corpse... It looks like an all you can eat buffet
If you've got Animate Bone Minions, Animate Bone Fiend, and Ressurect on, then all you've done is made it hard on your team because the team just went from 8, to 12-15 with your body behind enemy lines.
Drago Solaris
Originally Posted by Aaaaagh
I might be wrong, but if a rez signet is interupted its gone.
if ur signet of rez is interupted u can still use it also for sum reason (it may be just me my account has had many bugs) u can use it more than once but it takes like an hour to recharge
Drago Solaris
Originally Posted by Ogg
Elementalist-skill: Did you count the damage? I've seen people talk about elementalists with 101 energy. So, thats 707 damage from one skill, pbaoe. No more bodyblocking the dais!
what if the skill used half the energy so you could only hav a limited amount
Drago Solaris
also there should be sumthing else with it like a suicdal call were your team mates cannot heal you e.g.
warrior casts his suicide spell and loses health fast what if hes in a tema of monks and they all concentrate healing on him :/ the warrior would last for along time
and for the rez after i think u should hav like a timer on how long b4 u can be rezed say im gnna use warrior again
warrior uses his skill kills most of the enemies then dies is brought back to life almost instantly and finishes them off
warrior casts his suicide spell and loses health fast what if hes in a tema of monks and they all concentrate healing on him :/ the warrior would last for along time
and for the rez after i think u should hav like a timer on how long b4 u can be rezed say im gnna use warrior again
warrior uses his skill kills most of the enemies then dies is brought back to life almost instantly and finishes them off
Maybe the warrior could become immune to enchantments and recieve deep wound or something. It would make it at least a little harder to keep him alive.
Second, all the skills sound good, but I think the monk one isn't powerful enough. Since the team does end up losing a healer, the effect needs to be a bit more lasting. If the team gets that low on health, a one time sac-heal isn't gonna save them. Maybe the monk's corpse could turn into a "Well of Healing" or something that gave a large amount of health regeneration.
Second, all the skills sound good, but I think the monk one isn't powerful enough. Since the team does end up losing a healer, the effect needs to be a bit more lasting. If the team gets that low on health, a one time sac-heal isn't gonna save them. Maybe the monk's corpse could turn into a "Well of Healing" or something that gave a large amount of health regeneration.
If that elementalist skill actually went in you'd have the HoH dominated by 3E 5Mo teams, even at 60DP you can still have 40-50 energy as an E so you'd still do 280 damage per death. Some of the Monks are Mo/Me with Echo and Vengence, they just keep bringing the E back up to glyph of sacrifice/explode again.
My HoH Elementalist build has a set of weapons where I have 111 energy and thats not even max, you can get ~125 energy so you could do over 800 on the first boom.
Some fun ideas but balance is something you really have to consider in these things. That is the one thing the AN team has done a great job of (despite people complaining about the FOTM every FOTM has a counter at least so far).
My HoH Elementalist build has a set of weapons where I have 111 energy and thats not even max, you can get ~125 energy so you could do over 800 on the first boom.
Some fun ideas but balance is something you really have to consider in these things. That is the one thing the AN team has done a great job of (despite people complaining about the FOTM every FOTM has a counter at least so far).