Rune Traders, Yay or Nay ?
My personal Opinion on the matter is that they ruined the entire market and not only the market for runes but the point of runes.
Runes were ment to be hard to find and difficult to recover. What is point of buying an expert salvage kit or locating runes if for a mere 120 gp I can buy some of the rune my characters can use. Hell even a superior is going for 2k. Why waste our time with salvaging runes, if we can buy them for less then it cost to locate and salvage them.
Beyond the simple point that they unlock options in pvp characters runes have become worthless.
Runes were ment to be hard to find and difficult to recover. What is point of buying an expert salvage kit or locating runes if for a mere 120 gp I can buy some of the rune my characters can use. Hell even a superior is going for 2k. Why waste our time with salvaging runes, if we can buy them for less then it cost to locate and salvage them.
Beyond the simple point that they unlock options in pvp characters runes have become worthless.
the simple point that they unlock options in pvp characters runes
Well, now it's easy for me to unload the less popular runes, and I can get a "fair market" price for the ones I want to sell. I found a major fire rune yesterday. I haven't decided whether or not I want to use it, due to the health hit. I have a major vigor that helps offset the cost of my major energy storage. But 2 majors? I don't think it's worth the decreased hp, especially when I'm one element for all of about a week. I'm constantly using my refund points and changing things. But the first thing I did when I got it was check the trader. I can unload it quick for about 3k.
Deppas Deppas
rune trader's are crap! trying to sell my superior fast casting, its going for less than 1k at trader!!!!! perty soon minors are going to be better than superiors!
totaly agree when the runes should be hard to find.
totaly agree when the runes should be hard to find.
The Pope
I like it. Finding them is boring.
Heron Fensbanel
I like it. My characters feel competent now.
Yes and no. While I tire of keeping runes around in a vain hope that I will eventually be able to sell them, I want to sell them for more then 25 gc. Especially the Majors.
And it seems no one in my guild wants me runes either. I literally can't give these bastards away.
And it seems no one in my guild wants me runes either. I literally can't give these bastards away.
What's the point of selling them for more if the main reason for getting cash is to get runes? Personally, I think that it makes the game more fun for those of us who don't want to farm. I don't want to see runes turn into SoJs.
Yay for concept, nay for the crazy low prices for major runes, etc.
They should have a price that major runes cannot be under (say 500) and for superior (1k?)
They should have a price that major runes cannot be under (say 500) and for superior (1k?)
some superiors suck, and that's why they cost/sell for so little.
Yeah, who really wants superior strength or beast mastery

King of Fools
i hate dealing with the clowns hoarding, driving up the prices, and scamming newbs. i sell all my runes to the trader just because its easy. i have no patience for bartering.
the ppl who complain the most were selling gold to IGE.
the ppl who complain the most were selling gold to IGE.
i dont mind the rune traders, its actually making it a lot easier to get through the game with my second PvE character. I just wish I could have gotten some kind of warning before this happened because right before the patch I was whoring superior runes like there was no tomorrow (just cause I finally had the money to buy them from people) and planned on selling them for higher prices and get RICH! but guess what, that superior strength rune I just bought for 12k is worth about as much as a bleached carapace now =/
EDIT: and yeah I know there probly was a heads up on the whole rune trader thing on the official GW website or somethin, but I'm lazy and would prefer some ingame notices or somethin instead
EDIT: and yeah I know there probly was a heads up on the whole rune trader thing on the official GW website or somethin, but I'm lazy and would prefer some ingame notices or somethin instead
I love the rune trader, its really helped to settle the economy, which was quickly becoming rune based.
Sir Skullcrasher
but have you check the prices for major runes or different type of runes that is being brought; some of them cost at least 1 plat or more. If rune trader did something is to make people wanting to get much gold as possible to buy those runes (than again, what the difference before the traders when you got people spamming msg for major runes +20 armors, max hammer skills for 10k or 10 platinum or any other runes for high price)

Im all for the rune trader because Im impatient. Now, when I want to switch out my skills, or make a new char, I just go to the rune trader rather than sitting in LA dist 1 or Asc dist 1 for 2 hours trying to get the right crap.
Mistress Eyahl
Yay *_*
The rune trader also auto-adjusts it's price. The more often a particular rune is bought, the higher it's price, also the more it'll give you if you sell it a rune. Minor beastmastery, 25gp, minor marksmanship probably 300gp or so.
I don't like it. Runes weren't difficult to get in the first place, any rune I'd ever needed, EVER, I could get from a guildmate and/or find relatively quickly in Lion's Arch from someone, and not for a high price even. Now people find runes and want to sell them and nobody wants to buy them because they can just get them from the trader. So when the guy wants to go sell it to the rune trader he gets 25g for it. Wow, that's a profit. You can find a staff in less than 3 minutes that sells for more than the rune that took you 9 hours to find.
They do, however, even out the economy.
One thing that bothers me though---before hand, PvP people who wanted runes had to go unlock them in PvE. PvE people who wanted to use them in PvP had to go get them as well. Now the PvE people can buy them and use them on that character for PvP. And the PvP people would still need to unlock them on their own for the PvP characters since they don't use the PvE characters for I right on this or did I miss something? Because to my knowledge buying from the rune trader does not unlock for PvP.
Then again...I don't really care. I only use two minor runes anyway. The superiors aren't worth the health decrease, and since superior vigors are so high in price you can't even it out. And now since runes sell for a crap price at the rune trader you can't get the money to buy them that way. Might I add that I've unlocked a total of 3, now 3. (Two up until last night where I unlocked my 3rd), and NONE of them salvaged. How screwed up is that? I'm just doomed to get screwed, I know it. That's got to be it.
They're alright. I'm just unlucky.
They do, however, even out the economy.
One thing that bothers me though---before hand, PvP people who wanted runes had to go unlock them in PvE. PvE people who wanted to use them in PvP had to go get them as well. Now the PvE people can buy them and use them on that character for PvP. And the PvP people would still need to unlock them on their own for the PvP characters since they don't use the PvE characters for I right on this or did I miss something? Because to my knowledge buying from the rune trader does not unlock for PvP.
Then again...I don't really care. I only use two minor runes anyway. The superiors aren't worth the health decrease, and since superior vigors are so high in price you can't even it out. And now since runes sell for a crap price at the rune trader you can't get the money to buy them that way. Might I add that I've unlocked a total of 3, now 3. (Two up until last night where I unlocked my 3rd), and NONE of them salvaged. How screwed up is that? I'm just doomed to get screwed, I know it. That's got to be it.
They're alright. I'm just unlucky.
yes i like it in a certain way. Because now you got a nice price check, as with the dyes and the materials. Only negatif thing is that the whole concept of runes being rare and hard to find is wasted. But i still like it when i find them and salvage them when i can.
Its all demand and supply. The more popular runes are still going for sky-high prices. I like the trader. No more paying for over inflated prices because you can't find people to buy from.
rune traders is a good idea, but in my view the implementation of it sucks because the prices the traders pay to you is a total scam

yay, but...well, i like them. i had some runes and noone wanted to buy them. sure, there might have been people interested, but after 10mins of advertising my goods in a major town i got bored. the trading via boards doesn't seem to work very well either. so i am glad to have a possibility to sell some runes and check the market prices. though i also think that the 25g you get for some runes is a joke. on the other hand, it's just the way the market works.
what i dislike about the rune traders is that it might make the game too easy especially post-searing. not only weapons but also runes now can be bought for a fairly low price right from the start. i guess a min-price wouldn't be that bad.
also there's one point i am not sure about: can you re-salvage runes from the armor you equipped with it? i never tried that since i don't want to waste any armor/rune. if so, what about changing it, so that minor runes always get destroyed? since there are so many runes around you could get some out of the game that way.
what i dislike about the rune traders is that it might make the game too easy especially post-searing. not only weapons but also runes now can be bought for a fairly low price right from the start. i guess a min-price wouldn't be that bad.
also there's one point i am not sure about: can you re-salvage runes from the armor you equipped with it? i never tried that since i don't want to waste any armor/rune. if so, what about changing it, so that minor runes always get destroyed? since there are so many runes around you could get some out of the game that way.
Pandora's box
The ambassador of the Ithkul empire votes: Yay!

john little
Originally Posted by triggerhappy
also there's one point i am not sure about: can you re-salvage runes from the armor you equipped with it? i never tried that since i don't want to waste any armor/rune. if so, what about changing it, so that minor runes always get destroyed? since there are so many runes around you could get some out of the game that way.
Originally Posted by triggerhappy
can you re-salvage runes from the armor you equipped with it? i never tried that since i don't want to waste any armor/rune.
I think the pricing is dumb. Unlike dye, there isn't enough market for runes to keep the prices stable, except for vigor and absorption runes (superior vigor was 100 platinum last I checked). It's kinda sad that dyes are more common than major runes, yet dyes have a higher base price for buying and selling. You're better off hoping you get a rare salvage for linen/silk/leather squares/steel instead of a rune at this point. The economy may have stabilized (which is always a good thing), but the prices are too low for their relative scarcity.
Though, one advantage of the Wal-Mart prices is that now PvP characters only have to throw away a few hundred gold to buy a few minors/majors they may have had trouble unlocking in PvE.
Druadan Winterblade
There's good and bad to it. I like being able to just go to a trader and pick up my minors that I couldn't salvage from my last set of armour, but it leaves a big hole inside where the entire idea of finding runes from enemies' armour was. I liked that - it was a nice little facet to the game.
As is always with online RPGs, the short-term good changes that hurt the game in the long-run will always be implemented over the long-term good changes that annoy a few new/inexperienced/complaining RPGers in the short-term.
As is always with online RPGs, the short-term good changes that hurt the game in the long-run will always be implemented over the long-term good changes that annoy a few new/inexperienced/complaining RPGers in the short-term.
Yay is All i can say
I like the rune traders since I don't have time to farm. It gives people a place to spend their gold where it leaves the economy.
They pull a bunch of rents out of the economy, and make it easier to get what you need. I like the trader on those grounds. It's still a pain to unlock the runes you need, but I get the feeling that Anet is not going to fix that particular grind anytime soon.
Perhaps the rune trader will convince more people to sell unided runes in town?
Perhaps the rune trader will convince more people to sell unided runes in town?
Originally Posted by Ensign
Perhaps the rune trader will convince more people to sell unided runes in town?
Just wonder how long it will take them to figure it out.
I like the rune trader because it removes a lot of money from the game instead of moving gold around players. By pinning runes to supply and demand, the prices will be held in check and wont rise to huge, gouging amounts. Because the runes are so cheap, they are currently easy to buy up which drives the price up. I'd say just give it a week or two for the prices to stablize, which they will when people decide its too expensive to keep buying them and the chances of someone selling a lot of the same rune to drive the price back down to nothing is slim because they are hard to find in the field.
A yes for removing money from the game and pinning the runes to a value, but a no for current prices (which will hopefully rise)
A yes for removing money from the game and pinning the runes to a value, but a no for current prices (which will hopefully rise)
Mordeth Lestalk
I think A-Net needs to implement all the new merchants at the same time, they keep messing up the economy.
Edit: Spelt "I" Wrong.
Edit: Spelt "I" Wrong.
Evan The Cursed
It'd be one thing if each item had a min/max price, but every rune's price is totally out of whack now.
It'd be one thing if each item had a min/max price, but every rune's price is totally out of whack now.
Originally Posted by Cymmina
I think the pricing is dumb. Unlike dye, there isn't enough market for runes to keep the prices stable, except for vigor and absorption runes (superior vigor was 100 platinum last I checked). It's kinda sad that dyes are more common than major runes, yet dyes have a higher base price for buying and selling. You're better off hoping you get a rare salvage for linen/silk/leather squares/steel instead of a rune at this point. The economy may have stabilized (which is always a good thing), but the prices are too low for their relative scarcity.
Edit: Merchants sell for a fixed price ie: expert salvage for 400.
Yay. Love it.
I feel it will stabilize the market. If a rune trader is selling x rune at y price, then people will be forced to compete with the trader by selling runes at a price z, which means z will be < y.
So when people are always selling runes for less than traders, we will see true competition in the "rune market".
So when people are always selling runes for less than traders, we will see true competition in the "rune market".
I love it because A) most of the time when you find a rune you can't use no one will want to buy it and B) most of the time when you want a rune no one will have it at town and C) it does NOT ruin the market because it keeps current with the runes' values. Tell me how selling superior vigors for 90plat is ruining the market?
If anything it disallows noobs from getting ripped off by people selling their runes for way too much gold.
If anything it disallows noobs from getting ripped off by people selling their runes for way too much gold.
Nay and a little Yay, but mainly nay.
I like the fact that it's easier to buy runes and sell(but only for the popular runes)
It's BS that the rune trader gives you 25g for many major runes. I mean come on a bloody common ID Kit costs 100!!
Major/Superior Runes are rare and should be priced as such regardless if they are popular or not.
I say make the rune trader give a minimum of 500g for Majors and 2k for Superiors.
Also if the rune trader is offering you crap like 25g don't take it. Either sell it to a merchant for the same 25g or to another player for less then the rune trader is charging them. If everyone simply refused to sell runes at the crap prices the trader offers they would raise the prices.
I like the fact that it's easier to buy runes and sell(but only for the popular runes)
It's BS that the rune trader gives you 25g for many major runes. I mean come on a bloody common ID Kit costs 100!!
Major/Superior Runes are rare and should be priced as such regardless if they are popular or not.
I say make the rune trader give a minimum of 500g for Majors and 2k for Superiors.
Also if the rune trader is offering you crap like 25g don't take it. Either sell it to a merchant for the same 25g or to another player for less then the rune trader is charging them. If everyone simply refused to sell runes at the crap prices the trader offers they would raise the prices.
Draven Mauler
Phreaking Loser:<~>//WTS: Minor Rune of Fast Casting 15 Platinum\\<~>
Phreaking Loser:<~>//WTS: Minor Rune of Fast Casting 15 Platinum\\<~>
Phreaking Loser:<~>//WTS: Minor Rune of Fast Casting 15 Platinum\\<~>
Phreaking Loser:<~>//WTS: Minor Rune of Fast Casting 15 Platinum\\<~>
Do we not remember those days!? The rune trader is good on a level no other good can be for this economy. Do you people not see the gouging going on around you? The only people that don't stand to benefit from this are gold sellers. Yeah, I know 25g sucks. I was excited to salvage a major rune for a job i dont use, then cried when the mean bad rune trader dude only offered 135g for it. But I still cant complain and if you think it thru neither can you. You salvaged a rune you and your buds dont need. So you go to the trader and get very little for it. In reality the rune was worthless to you if you couldnt use it. So weigh out the options:
1. Price Gouging which hurts you as much as the next guy.
2. Computer Programmed Supply and Demand Calculations.
I prefer number two and I think you do, but just havent realized it yet.
Phreaking Loser:<~>//WTS: Minor Rune of Fast Casting 15 Platinum\\<~>
Phreaking Loser:<~>//WTS: Minor Rune of Fast Casting 15 Platinum\\<~>
Phreaking Loser:<~>//WTS: Minor Rune of Fast Casting 15 Platinum\\<~>
Do we not remember those days!? The rune trader is good on a level no other good can be for this economy. Do you people not see the gouging going on around you? The only people that don't stand to benefit from this are gold sellers. Yeah, I know 25g sucks. I was excited to salvage a major rune for a job i dont use, then cried when the mean bad rune trader dude only offered 135g for it. But I still cant complain and if you think it thru neither can you. You salvaged a rune you and your buds dont need. So you go to the trader and get very little for it. In reality the rune was worthless to you if you couldnt use it. So weigh out the options:
1. Price Gouging which hurts you as much as the next guy.
2. Computer Programmed Supply and Demand Calculations.
I prefer number two and I think you do, but just havent realized it yet.