Well, the said incident occured in Fort Ranik. Right near the end. I was leveling my new Ranger, and we had just killed all the charr down in the valley with the trebuchet. Yes, the giant machine that catapults flaming whatnot of doom onto the target. Well, my two allies (one had already dropped) started rushing for the loot, and I decided I had enough time to fire the trebuchet again (I love flying objects and explosions). And my allies had just gotten to the target area (not even enough time to pick up the loot), and the catapult reduced them to a bloody pulp. No items, death, and then, of course, I received threats and insults (none that bad; understandably they were mad). I didn't even bring a rezz signet

The worst thing is; this same thing happened to me when I was leveling my monk, only I was able to rezz and my other allies were just as stupid and didn't know what had occured

Note: Yes, I am sorry I add to the anti-ranger hostility. I can't resist stupidity