superior runes - what's up with that?
After completing one character (done all missions, done all skillquests, visited all towns) and having a second character in the Crystal Desert now, probably playing for over 150 hours, i really must ask:
what is the deal with superior runes?
I haven't had a single superior rune yet. Are they limited to certain places? I find the fact that i haven't had a single one after over 150 hours pretty annoying.
what is the deal with superior runes?
I haven't had a single superior rune yet. Are they limited to certain places? I find the fact that i haven't had a single one after over 150 hours pretty annoying.
My main character is at Hell's Precipice, and I do not recall getting any superiors either.
I think the best chance to unlock one is get an un-id'd gold item. It will either ID to a major or superior...
I think the best chance to unlock one is get an un-id'd gold item. It will either ID to a major or superior...
Originally Posted by ManadartheHealer
My main character is at Hell's Precipice, and I do not recall getting any superiors either.
I think the best chance to unlock one is get an un-id'd gold item. It will either ID to a major or superior... |
- Do you HAVE to be in explorable areas?
- does underworld drop superiors easier?
- am i just terribly unlucky or is this normal?
luck I would say, I've found many superior runes, even the ultra rare superior vigor rune
Originally Posted by Makkert
I know....but that doesn't answer the questions that are now roaming in my head.
- Do you HAVE to be in explorable areas? - does underworld drop superiors easier? - am i just terribly unlucky or is this normal? |
2)Can't say; haven't been there
3) If you are terribly unlucky, then around 85% of us are also "terribly unlucky"
Truth is: beat the game = poor loot
You need to do extra work and fighting to get a nice stash of loot in the game. I've probably only received 5 rare items from three characters completing every mission. All the other rares I earned by farming, UW/Fissure, and elite hunting.
UW/Fissure have one of the poorest rare drop rates in the game IMHO. I'm talking about the whole group's loot and not just what I get.
You need to do extra work and fighting to get a nice stash of loot in the game. I've probably only received 5 rare items from three characters completing every mission. All the other rares I earned by farming, UW/Fissure, and elite hunting.
UW/Fissure have one of the poorest rare drop rates in the game IMHO. I'm talking about the whole group's loot and not just what I get.
Studio Ghibli
I've only ever found one superior, and the time-table was (roughly) this:
1) First character to Droknar's.
2) Take second and third character as far as Droknar's.
3) Second character as far as Thunderhead--Granite Citadel also on the map.
4) Ditto for third character.
3) Take third character as far as.. that.. mission in the Ring of Fire with.. uh.. the one before Hell's Precipice.
And, bam.
First superior.
I believe I have at least one-hundred hours logged on each character.
1) First character to Droknar's.
2) Take second and third character as far as Droknar's.
3) Second character as far as Thunderhead--Granite Citadel also on the map.
4) Ditto for third character.
3) Take third character as far as.. that.. mission in the Ring of Fire with.. uh.. the one before Hell's Precipice.
And, bam.
First superior.
I believe I have at least one-hundred hours logged on each character.
I've found 3 superior vigors, a superior expertise, and a superior healing prayers.
None of which salvaged.
Found them all over about 260+ hours on my main character (N/W).
I'm pissed...still can't believe none salvaged.
None of which salvaged.
Found them all over about 260+ hours on my main character (N/W).
I'm pissed...still can't believe none salvaged.
The only superior I've found and successfully salvaged was in Elona's. But I've got a few majors. I'm finding alot more runes with my new character doing the storyline. So I'm guessing they fixed the drop rates some time ago.
Mercury Angel
None after beating the game with my first character, 2 before ascension on my second. (Superior Healing and Superior Marksmanship)
Every one of the end-missions would end up with a party member saying they had gotten a superior rune though, and I hadn't even gotten a major until the last mission, which was major inspiration >.<
Every one of the end-missions would end up with a party member saying they had gotten a superior rune though, and I hadn't even gotten a major until the last mission, which was major inspiration >.<
My War/Nec managed to get a Superior Vigour in the North Shiverpeaks (!) and a Superior Divine Favour in Kryta, and my Nec/Mo (level 16) has managed to get a Superior Blood magic rune ( that's my speciality!) in the Divinity Coast.
I've also found more ranger runes (majors especially) than I can shake a stick at...
I've also found more ranger runes (majors especially) than I can shake a stick at...
I've gotten 3 superiors with my main (20Mo/Me), haven't beaten the game, but I'm at Hell's Precipice. I think they were a superior vigor, energy storage, and domination. I've also gotten 1 major, and a ton of minors. This is with about 65 hours of gameplay logged.
I got a Superior rune in a mission.
And I traded it away for far less than it was worth.
And I traded it away for far less than it was worth.
Yep bad luck, I have gotten a slew of superiors and I hvent put in 150 hours. I dont farm.
Mistress Eyahl
Only superior rune I've found is a superior vigor rune
.. can't complain
.. can't complain

I've been playing almost non-stop since a week or two of launch
I'd say I found over half my superior runes in 2 days of semi-farming
... and this is in Riverside -after- it was nerfed...
kinda makes me feel sad that others got thier goldrush BEFORE I did
An yeah... what's up with all these gold armors that salavage to majors Doh
When I get a blue armor I actually hope that it salvages to silk at least I get something of value
---------- and the crap-load of Mesmer runes... omg what's up with that?
I'd say I found over half my superior runes in 2 days of semi-farming
... and this is in Riverside -after- it was nerfed...
kinda makes me feel sad that others got thier goldrush BEFORE I did

An yeah... what's up with all these gold armors that salavage to majors Doh
When I get a blue armor I actually hope that it salvages to silk at least I get something of value
---------- and the crap-load of Mesmer runes... omg what's up with that?
Ive got 2 superiors on my character after 140 hours of play.
1st one was a Superior Curses, got in Kryta somewhere, can't remember.
2nd one was Superior Fire Magic that I got in Mineral Springs looking for the Necro Boss w/ Well of Power (which we never found). We cleared the zone and kill everything but never found Necro boss. Even got infused ^_^
1st one was a Superior Curses, got in Kryta somewhere, can't remember.
2nd one was Superior Fire Magic that I got in Mineral Springs looking for the Necro Boss w/ Well of Power (which we never found). We cleared the zone and kill everything but never found Necro boss. Even got infused ^_^
I found maybe 15 Minors, 5-7 Majors, and 1 Superior in my trip through the game, from the pre-searing to the last mission. You really have to play a LOT to get Superiors. I now have ~675k XP on my character, and close to 300 hours played, and I still only have between 10-12 Superiors unlocked. None for Monk, which is the only set of Superiors I even want.
john little
During a spot of farming (about an hour) today i ID'ed 3 superior vigor runes, only 1 of which salvaged (very annoying seeking a potential 35P turn into 15G). There are plenty of runes about, but mainly in the explorable areas rather than during missions. To get almost garunteed purple/gold drops you need to solo areas (no henchmen either) against pretty difficult enemies that drop armour.
When I finished all the missions and all the quests that I could found, I got zero superior and zero major and only a couple of minors from this so call "normal game play." Then I discovered the beauty of farming and my world changed. Now I've unlocked almost all superior and major runes. Too bad farming was nerfed. It would take forever for one to unlock all their superior and major runes through normal game play. Since farming has been nerfed, I really don't know how one is going to get all their runes.