name length?
static deathbringer
what is the max length/character for a character's name?
No idea, what do you have in mind?
The number I heard was 18 characters including spaces. I did use a char that had 18 letters plus one space though, maybe they changed it without telling anyone.
I tried "Zhealin the Theurgist" and it dropped the last three letters. So that's.... 18 characters, which varifies what BlackArrow said.
ETA: It might have actually been two letters, or one. I currently have a character that's "Zheal the Theurgist" which I think is bumping up against/at the limit. You might also want to think about how it's going to display in the party window, though. Right now Zheal shows up as "Zheal the Theurgi...".
ETA: It might have actually been two letters, or one. I currently have a character that's "Zheal the Theurgist" which I think is bumping up against/at the limit. You might also want to think about how it's going to display in the party window, though. Right now Zheal shows up as "Zheal the Theurgi...".
static deathbringer
the name i wanted was a magic the gathering card(queer i know :P) but its o long, like 23 characters
I read that it was 19 characters in total. That includes all spaces.
Can you give the card a nick-name? Or use part of it?
static deathbringer
Originally Posted by fawgre
Can you give the card a nick-name? Or use part of it?
Originally Posted by static deathbringer
i could stil use the first name and have it work, it was gonna be azusa, lost but seeking, but its way to long
(BTW that is a very pretty name and I don't fault you for wanting it. Magic the Gathering is fitting for Guild Wars anyway, what with all the analogies the devs are making between the decks and the 8 skill slots.)
William of Orange
Having never played MtG myself, I'm limited to either 1) making up my own names, which would mean they would suck, or 2) sliding in references which I've picked up from my European History class. There are plenty of famous historical people which I could "use," and I could always just use their names and piggyback off of them for my own twisted names along those same lines.
I'm still disappointed that Vlad the Impaler was taken for the first event I did, that was my top choice. William of Orange works fine for me though...
I'm still disappointed that Vlad the Impaler was taken for the first event I did, that was my top choice. William of Orange works fine for me though...
Originally Posted by spiritofcat
I read that it was 19 characters in total. That includes all spaces.
Originally Posted by William of Orange
Having never played MtG myself, I'm limited to either 1) making up my own names, which would mean they would suck, or 2) sliding in references which I've picked up from my European History class. There are plenty of famous historical people which I could "use," and I could always just use their names and piggyback off of them for my own twisted names along those same lines.
So, from that, we have:
Instant name creation.
William of Orange
Originally Posted by fawgre
I mash the keyboard. That's how I got "Fawgre". Take your hand, place down randomly, like so:
jdvl So, from that, we have: Jadivel Instant name creation. |
Rijunto Ygvani? I suppose. And just in honor of that first keyboard mashing, I will name one of my characters Rijunto Ygvani now

Edit: I obviously added some extra letters to that, but it's just what sounded qwerky/cool in my head.
Originally Posted by fawgre
I mash the keyboard. That's how I got "Fawgre". Take your hand, place down randomly, like so:
jdvl So, from that, we have: Jadivel Instant name creation. |
Originally Posted by William of Orange
Edit: I obviously added some extra letters to that, but it's just what sounded qwerky/cool in my head.
static deathbringer
Originally Posted by Tur713
Lol, I like your name creation process. Anyway, Static, the name you want is cool. I like Magic the Gathering and only stopped playing recently due to the amount of money I had to put into it and I broke up with a girlfriend of mine that I used to play it with. (Lots of things just kind of killed it for me. Still a great game and I still love to play with the decks that I have.)
i only play in tournaments now due to the fact i make money

Ren Falconhand
Originally Posted by fawgre
By all means. Keyboard-mashing is a free and innovative art form.
read that as "Sejk Rerjil" I like it will add to collection just have no idea what proffesion sound like a Monk to me.

static deathbringer
i must suck at this process cause i got
ergu5e reshklw i figure ergo reshclaw
ergu5e reshklw i figure ergo reshclaw
Ren Falconhand
Originally Posted by static deathbringer
i must suck at this process cause i got
ergu5e reshklw i figure ergo reshclaw |
Sounds like a Necro

i will try and use sandman but prob already takin like always.
or i will use many of my other mmo names i use.
sladek foxlik that is my hand masher i did not get and vowles so i added them
or i will use many of my other mmo names i use.
sladek foxlik that is my hand masher i did not get and vowles so i added them
Originally Posted by static deathbringer
i must suck at this process cause i got
ergu5e reshklw i figure ergo reshclaw |
William of Orange
Originally Posted by Ren Falconhand
new name will be....................
sejk;rerjil read that as "Sejk Rerjil" I like it will add to collection just have no idea what proffesion sound like a Monk to me. Ren ![]() |
Originally Posted by static deathbringer
i must suck at this process cause i got
ergu5e reshklw i figure ergo reshclaw |
Rather than trying to use both hands and cover the entire keyboard, just use one hand, make sure you're covering primarily just the letters, and press down. You should get something like this:
Yogi Tajkle, the Valient Ranger.
Best of luck.
static deathbringer
Originally Posted by Ren Falconhand
Sounds like a Necro
![]() Ren |
*edit for spelling*
Ren Falconhand
Yes it is more of a Mesmer name how about a Me/E
anti-caster caster?
anti-caster caster?
Originally Posted by William of Orange
Yogi Tajkle, the Valient Ranger.
Does he theive pic-a-nic baskets?
Ren Falconhand
No apple Baskets LOL

Gaile Gray
19 characters and spaces. No numbers or wiggy symbols 'n' stuff. See here:
My lord, that is the longest URL in history!
(Oh, thank heavens, the forum edits the length! It's five lines long on this little box here!
My lord, that is the longest URL in history!

(Oh, thank heavens, the forum edits the length! It's five lines long on this little box here!

static deathbringer
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
19 characters and spaces. No numbers or wiggy symbols 'n' stuff. See here:
My lord, that is the longest URL in history! ![]() (Oh, thank heavens, the forum edits the length! It's five lines long on this little box here! ![]() |

"A character with a name, word, or phrase that is offensive or vulgar will be blocked. A blocked character will be inaccessible and unplayable."
Must pick innocuous name...must not offend... How about Hugh Jass? Uh, no...maybe Drew Peacock? No. That's no good either...Can't think. ummm Fu King? NO! AAARRG!
Must pick innocuous name...must not offend... How about Hugh Jass? Uh, no...maybe Drew Peacock? No. That's no good either...Can't think. ummm Fu King? NO! AAARRG!
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
19 characters and spaces. No numbers or wiggy symbols 'n' stuff. See here:
My lord, that is the longest URL in history! ![]() (Oh, thank heavens, the forum edits the length! It's five lines long on this little box here! ![]() |

Forget what you thought you knew about online gaming.
I've got to have a go of this mashing method too since I only have 1.5 good character names in my head.
Luhmu Gazeef, now there's a nice Elementalist name.
Dejavis Awfopy, sounds like a Mesmer to me, but I wasn't planning to play a Memser
Aewrig Pihvey, could be a good solid Ranger or Warrior name.
I think my first was the best, Luhmu Gazeef is definitely going to be one of my characters.
Luhmu Gazeef, now there's a nice Elementalist name.
Dejavis Awfopy, sounds like a Mesmer to me, but I wasn't planning to play a Memser

Aewrig Pihvey, could be a good solid Ranger or Warrior name.
I think my first was the best, Luhmu Gazeef is definitely going to be one of my characters.
static deathbringer
[QUOTE=spiritofcat]I've got to have a go of this mashing method too since I only have 1.5 good character names in my head.
Luhmu Gazeef, now there's a nice Elementalist name.QUOTE]
sounds like a monk or an elemtalist
Luhmu Gazeef, now there's a nice Elementalist name.QUOTE]
sounds like a monk or an elemtalist