Need help with crash/freeze problem please



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005


Wayward Wanderers


I just now upgraded my system, new Motherboard, a gig of ram, integrated nVidia sound card. Now I started playing Gw today and in Ft. Ranik I'd suddenly freeze, everything, sound on Teamspeak, mouse movement, everything, for a few seconds then go normal again. I haven't played much and need to find out how to get my system specs. It's annoying to me, GW ran like a dream on my other computer, not so smooth but now freezing is more annoying than the slight lag was

I think my motherboard is an ATI, not sure, if someone can tell me how to get my specs I'll post them here. I was so excited but now I'm frustrated and worried this might cause crashing if this freezing continues, much less can I play normally with it...


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Uk, England.


Originally Posted by Adaria
I just now upgraded my system, new Motherboard, a gig of ram, integrated nVidia sound card. Now I started playing Gw today and in Ft. Ranik I'd suddenly freeze, everything, sound on Teamspeak, mouse movement, everything, for a few seconds then go normal again. I haven't played much and need to find out how to get my system specs. It's annoying to me, GW ran like a dream on my other computer, not so smooth but now freezing is more annoying than the slight lag was

I think my motherboard is an ATI, not sure, if someone can tell me how to get my specs I'll post them here. I was so excited but now I'm frustrated and worried this might cause crashing if this freezing continues, much less can I play normally with it...
If you just upgraded your system, do you not know what you put in it, or did someone do it for you?

Or, did you just buy a whole new, all in one ready built PC?

If you just bought the items and swapped them over, did you rebuild your Windows XP build(whatever version of windows, doesn't matter) as not doing so, will just bring a whole load of problems along for the ride.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005


Wayward Wanderers


Dad did it himself, and I've come to find out it might be problems with my motherboard/processor/ram setup. My Ram is dual channel 400mhz, 512MB each to give 1G, My motherboard is AMD Athlon XP 2500+ at 1.83Ghz, my bf said the processor might be running at 233Mhz or something, so there is something ganking up due to a bottleneck with the difference in Mhz on the components. The memory is ok, but the processor might not be. Bought everything but video card, m/b and processor, may just have to get a whole new m/b and processor though if this persists, I can't even play it, runs smooth in districts, get outside where it sucks the Memory, and bam. Running everything as I did before, no problems on old system and video card is a GeForce 4 Ti 4600, so it should all be running ok, aside from the compatability issue... :rolleyes

Any other suggestions? Glad someone I know is a computer genius, apparently Dad didn't bother to think about that and he's supposed to be one...

PS. Built from scratch, new HDD's new Case, new Ram, everything but my DVD Rom drive, Vid card and DVD Burner.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005


Clan of Outlaws


this was my solution to the freezing problem...
change my AGP aperture size in BIOS to my video card size... and lower my AGP speed to 4x and disable Fast Write in ATI settings... probaby can do that in BIOS too.

Everything runs fine after that.... but.. it might crash/freeze more one time after you do that... Mine did that so I'm not sure if it happens to everyone... just a warning.

AMD Athlon XP 3200+@ 2.2Ghz
Corsair 512MB PC3200(400Mhz) ram
Sapphire Atlantis Radeon 9600 128MB