100K Vigors.
Well today is the first time i have seen a 100K Vigor^^
I feel thi sis a waste of gold for the 10 extra hp. i want to see some one buy this for laughs
I can't justify 100k for 10hp when I got my unid'ed major for 13k. That's an 87k difference for only 10 extra hp. Is it worth 8.7k per hp?
Originally Posted by dansamy
I can't justify 100k for 10hp when I got my unid'ed major for 13k. That's an 87k difference for only 10 extra hp. Is it worth 8.7k per hp?
BTW you can still buy them off people for less.
The whole reason the trader is there, is just so people have access to the runes, so they don't have to grind and farm for ages to get them.
Not that it's cheap, but there's not much to spend your money on after you get your best armor and other things such as guild hall.
Not that it's cheap, but there's not much to spend your money on after you get your best armor and other things such as guild hall.